Bedford Rope Course


Have you ever been to Bedford Rope Course? We were going to Bedford Rope Course as a field trip. I knew it was going to be fun but not only was it fun but it was one of my best field trips I went to in school. In this blog post you will be reading about my three favorite courses and what I learned during this trip.

Most courses were fun but here were the three that stood out. My favorite course challenge was where we were supposed to balance on wires and each tree was a checkpoint. It was called the Mohawk Walk. I liked this the most because on this course teamwork was the key. My second favorite course challenge was where we were supposed to walk, crawl, and jump on beams, wires and swing. I liked it because it was challenging and strategies were the key. My last but not least favorite course challenge was, The Bridge. It was where we were on a rope bridge and tried to cross together with two teams without touching each other. It was very fun and you needed someone to be the traffic controller. It was also challenging due to so many people being on the Bridge. The rope bridge weighed down, kept it more and more challenging. Those were the three best things we did out of the five things.

These were the three things I learned about myself, teammates, and teamwork. What I learned about myself was that I could work very well with everyone and I could make tons of strategies by myself and with my team. I learned this in my first few courses. I also learned that Oscar is a great slider because on the Rope swing where you were swinging to the other platform and your team were on a “cliff,” he jumped on the rope, let it go half way and slid on the platform without touching the ground. I learned that about teamwork you should listen to each other and be quiet when each other is talking, because at our first few courses no one listened and we couldn’t hear our strategies and each other. That is what I learned about my classmate, myself, and teamwork.  

During this trip I had three favorite courses,I learned things about myself, my classmates, and teamwork and I had fun. I would like to go to Bedford Rope Course again. After my blog post would you want to go to Bedford Rope Course?

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