
How has art been this year? Mine was exciting, fun, challenging, and many more. In this blog post I will tell you about what was most enjoyable, what was most challenging, What my art teacher helped me improve on most this year, and my favorite art piece.

What was most enjoyable? Well I guess everything, but I felt like making food out of clay was. This was because with clay we got to be as creative as we wanted to be. It was hard but the work paid off. Also, if you had extra clay you gotta keep it. This was very fun because you could do whatever you wanted to do. Like from pizza, to spaghetti, to donuts and more. I picked Kunefe, a Turkish dessert. I never really finished so that’s why there is no photo of it. What was most challenging? Also, everything, but some stood out like my future city. 

If you check this slideshow you can see all the pictures 

As you can see, it was never done. Why? Well I guess that was because it was VERY detailed (you just can’t see it because the chromebook camera is very bad) and because we had to guess the future. This was as far as I could think. Another reason was because we had only 3 classes to finish. By the way, only like three people finished.

What was my favorite art piece? The scream of nature for sure. This is because this was the simplest thing EVER and it looked cool. It was a wigley body, the face of scream (the movie), and wigley arms that cover its ears. And you could just add any background. Such as mountains, an alien invasion, any character’s setting or worst fear.  I would remake this in any notebook while I was bored.


Mr. Bently has taught us a lot this year in various subjects, but what I learned the most was SKETCH  LIGHTLY. Mr. Bently was strict on this rule which helped a lot. This was because if you didn’t sketch lightly you couldn’t erase it meaning it could leave huge marks in the paper. At first I just couldn’t but he kept pushing me to try so by the last few art classes I finally accomplished it. Another thing he taught us was to add your own twist to art work. He would never let us copy it straight from the paper  to add your own twist. I think this helped me expand my creativity.

In Conclusion, clay was the funnest, the future city was the hardest, my favorite was scream of nature, and Mr. Bently has taught us a lot. Hope you had a good time in art!