Have you ever wanted to learn something about your tablemates? In this blog post, you will read about the three things that I wrote in my Identity Map, and three things I learned about my tablemates. Keep on reading to find out more….
There are three things that matter the most to me and belong first place on my Identity Map. First, my religion was very important because my religion makes me me. My religion will also impact how I act and what I celebrate. Second, my culture is also important because my culture makes me me. My culture also impacts what I eat and more. Third, my family was on my Identity Map because I love my family and I care about my family. Also, without my family I wouldn’t be here. These were the three things I wrote about.
Here are three things that I learned about the three classmates that sit at my table. First, I learned that Eric has a sister. I thought he was an only child. This matters because if I saw his sister then I would have no idea that she knew Eric. Next, I never knew that Aanya played guitar and piano. I thought she only played the violin. This matters because if I wanted to learn piano or guitar, I might ask Aanya for advice. Last, I learned that Max played tennis. I knew he played golf and baseball, but not tennis. This matters because if I wanted to play tennis Max could coach me. These are the three things about my classmates that sit at my table.
Those were three things I wrote about in my Identity Map and what I learned about my tablemates. It took me a long time to choose what I should write about my tablemates. Their Identity Maps had a lot that were different and the same. What would you make sure your Identity Map would have?