5th Grade Fun!

I’ved had so much so far in fifth grade. Also we get to do so many fun activities. I wish I could write more about activities but I had to pick three. School has only been in session for a couple of weeks, but I’ve already had so much fun. Keep reading to find out the three things I’ve enjoyed doing the most and three things I’m most looking forward to doing in fifth grade.

So far, 5th grade is very fun, but there are three things that stand out from the rest. First of all, I was happy to be able to use our Chromebooks because I enjoy typing more than writing and I enjoy learning about technology. Second, I like to choose where to sit in the cafeteria at lunch because it gives us a chance to sit and eat with our other fifth grade friends who we don’t see most of the time and it gives us a chance to connect. Third, the Index card challenge because it was so much fun, taught me more math skills, taught me how to work with a team, and how to think outside the box. Those were the three things I did so far.

In 5th grade there are a lot of fun challenges that require hard work. Here are three things that I am very excited for. I just can’t wait! The first one is the Capstone Research Project. It’s a project at the end of the year where you write about whatever you want. I know what I want to do, but I’m very excited/nervous about it. The second one is HOT DOG FIELD DAY!!! It must be the best thing in 5th grade. It is where for the whole day we stay outside and play very fun and competitive games. It’s the whole grade that plays games like capture the flag, color wars, and lots of other fun games. The third one is Bedford Ropes Trip. It is also very fun because you learn how to work as a team to cross the course. Also, I love climbing ropes, that is why I will like it. Those are the three things I’m excited for.

Overall, I am pretty happy to be in 5th grade. It’s very fun, I’m sure you will enjoy it! 5th grade must be one of my favorite grades in Heathcote. I hope you enjoy 5th grade too. If you liked 5th grade, would you write a blog post about it? But most importantly I CAN’T WAIT TO GO TO MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!