Electric scooter

A electric scooter is really helpful. When I was in Washington I needed to visited all the monuments, but they were to far from each other so I decided to take a electric scooter. It goes fast so you can get wherever you want to go. To get one you need to download the app and then you can ride it.

The app helps you find a charged and working scooter, to find one just go on the app and look on the GPS. The app also helps you take them because without the app those scooter would do nothing, it would be a regular scooter. Now the scooter, to make the scooter move you need to press the green button that says “go” then if you want to stop the scooter you press the red button “stop”. You can be two on a scooter, one grownup and one kid, I personally think it’s safer with on adult on it. Because it could break adjourned could hurt yourself.

I think that this scooter is a way faster way to go to places and it good for the planet because it doesn’t use a regular engine, it uses a engine that runs by light!!! So hop on a scooter if you see one and don’t go very fast (you should be 18 or more to ride a electric scooter).

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