The Edgewood community had a big day on Sept. 24, marking several important events all at once. Shortly after dismissal, a special ceremony was held to mark the opening of Edgewood’s new library. The ceremony was also a kick-off to the centennial year.

The ceremony began with the pledge of allegiance, followed by the singing of the national anthem by the fifth-grade chorus. The student band accompanied the singing of the Edgewood School Song.

There were also several speakers at the ceremony, including Principal Dr. Houseknecht. They included Scarsdale Mayor Dan Hochvert and school alum and Village Trustee Carl Finger.

In addition, former teacher Dorothy Bench and a fifth-grade student also spoke at the ceremony.

After the ceremony was over, Edgewood’s annual picnic took place in the back of the school.

Music through the decades was played and all children enjoyed free Italian ices, which were provided by the PTA.