The Rules of Tech 7

On the first day of class, Ms. Giroux taught us the safety rules for Tech this year. There are twelve basic rules on an infographic. The infographics are placed all over the room.

1. Slow down, Think before you act.

2. Dress responsibly. Tie back long hair. No baggy clothes or dangling jewelry.

3. Don’t assume you know training before tools.

4. Power tools need concentration. No talking when using machinery.

5. Protect your eyes. Always wear safety glasses.

6. Before using a machine, get instruction, get permission, inspect machine.

7. Use all guards whine using machines. Shut off & unplug before making adjustments.

8. Power tools are dangerous. Never leave a tool running unattended.

9. Soldering irons are hot. Be cautious soldering irons heat to over 842 degrees F.

10. Xacto knives, saws, & awls, oh my. Be careful when handling sharp things.

11. Walk all the time. Never nudge or push someone.

12. Report all accidents. Burns, cuts, scratches & splinters, no matter how small.