Starting Spark Video – #4

I was very excited to start Spark Video. Once I started it I realized it was easier than I excpected. I used an organizer which really helped. I planned out everything on the organizer. I planned out the photo I would put, the text on the screen and what I would say. Eventually I started the slides on Spark Video. I would just do what my organizer said and it was looking pretty good. I used my interview to answer some questions that would put on my Spark Video. On Spark Video I tried to not make it too complicated because it was my first time using it.

I was so excited about finishing my Spark Video. I hope it turns out great. I am really anxious to see what my final product will look like.



Immigration Spark Video – #3

In our Immigration unit we use a website called Spark Video. On that website you can get images, record audio, make your own video, make captions, add videos and many more things. It is helpful because you put your immigration information on the Spark Video. We can also put pictures of our interview, questions and more. Mr. Casal is continuing to show us more about Spark Video and helping us with what to do and what to not do. Mr. Casal showed how to make an organizer on google drive and it says what to do on the Spark Video. I’m interested to learn more about Spark Video. 

I’m really excited to start using Spark Video.  


Immigration Interview – #2

In our Immigration unit we have to interview someone that experienced being an immigrant. I interviewed my aunt’s dad, Mark Collin. He immigrated from Toronto, Canada 26 years ago. He traveled by himself leaving his family behind in Toronto. One year later, the rest of the family came to the United States. He came to the United States because he found a better job opportunity.

During the interview I had some problems. My mom kept getting calls on her phone and that was where my mom was videoing me. So I had to keep restarting the video. This was a problem because I didn’t know how to put videos together. Although, my aunt’s dad Mark Collin could answer all of the questions and gave important details. Luckily I have my sister because she knows how to put videos together. My interview was done. Next step Spark Video.


Questions and Changes – #1


    In my class we do an immigration unit and you need to interview someone that experienced being an immigrant. You have to ask that person 10-15 questions about their immigration experience. Next, you use something called Spark Video and you make a 3-5 minute video.


   At first, I chose my grandma who was giving me information about my great grandma. My grandma wasn’t an immigrant, but I thought because she knows about my great grandma’s immigration experience I could interview her. Turns out I could not interview my grandma because she never actually experienced being an immigrant. So I had to figure another immigrant. I remember that my Aunt Ali is an immigrant from Canada. My aunt was only 6 when she immigrated, but her father remembers the experience more vividly. So I decided to interview my aunt’s dad.

Here is a link to my interview questions

These are my 10-15 questions that my immigrant will answer. I’m excited to see how he responds to these questions. I can’t wait for the interview.