Blog Post #5 – Finally a Success


Finally we had every single step figured out. All of us were sure that it was going to work. On our first try we got to the last step and the ball just missed the goal. Second try, we miss the hoop on the first step. Try number 3 not all of the jenga blocks fell. Try number 4 the ball wasn’t strong enough to hit the truck. Six more fails. Try 11, evevrything works, the ball goes in the goal. Success!!!

When I came home, I was proud with what we accomplished. I really hope that our Rube Goldberg video turns out good.

Here’s our Rube Goldberg Video

Blog Post #4 – Changes


My group and I got a lot of steps done. We had a whole plan and I was  sure that it was going to work. We didn’t think about how many steps we had because we were so happy about what we did. First try everything worked well, it was a success. We kept doing it and we kept having success.

When I left Chase’s house I was very happy with our success and new steps. Later that night when I was home, I knew that something was wrong but I just couldn’t figure it out. I thought I would just be able to figure it out but I couldn’t. Next day at school I had great ideas for our Rube Goldberg, I thought to have a ramp hit dominos and then hit a ball which hits a truck. Then Reece had an idea to have the truck hit a cup which a soccer ball which goes into the goal. Then I realized we didn’t have enough steps before. I was so happy that we were finally in a good position

Blog Post #3 – Progress between 1st and 2nd Meeting

I was not so happy with how our first meeting went. I thought we could have completed more than one step in an hour. At the second meeting I was really hoping to get more done than the first meeting but, I was not that sure that we would. We started the second meeting by going to the hardware store where we gathered some helpful materials. When we got back to the house, everyone was brainstorming ideas. We put them together and we formed even better ideas. Chase thought to use jenga blocks as dominos, Reece had an idea to start everything on a table and I thought to have a truck bang jenga blocks. After 45 minutes, we had 5 steps done.

I was very happy with what we acomplished in 45 minutes. I hope we keep coming up with great ideas and we continue to work well together. Next time I hope we will make more progress.

Blog Post #2 – First Meeting

At the beginning, it was very hard to know what to start with because we had all of these materials out and we didn’t know what would work and what would not work. I realized we had to cover the basics and be creative. The three of us got really tired and wanted to do something else after 15 minutes of trying and nothing working. We decided to work for 10 more minutes. Seven minutes later, we came up with an idea to use a metal circle as a basketball hoop and the ball would go down a ramp.

After coming up our plan for the first step, we decided to take a break to play golf and Fortnite. Then we decided to go back upstairs and work on the project a little bit more. We tried to plan for the next step. We thought we would have something hit dominos. But we didn’t have dominos.

At the end, I didn’t think we got a lot done. I think we need to stick to simpler materials and steps and work our way up to adding something more complicated after we have most our steps done.

Blog post #1- Choosing Teams

In 5th grade we do a Rube Goldberg project. A Rube Goldberg is a machine with steps to achieve a simple task. In the Rube Goldberg project you had a choice to work anywhere from 1 to 4 people in our group. First, we had to choose a group. It was a tough decision, but after a day we figured it out. My group was Chase, Connor, Reece, and I. I was very excited to work with them because we have worked together before and we work well together. I chose to not work solo because if I worked with a group we would have more ideas.

After we figured out our teams we had to find out when to work on it, and where we would keep our work for the entire time of our project.  We decided to work at Connor’s house because he had the most materials. But it was hard for us to find out a common time to meet. Reece, Chase, and I had a similar schedule, while Connor had a very different schedule. So Recce, Chase, and I worked together and Connor worked solo. We decided to work on Mondays and Fridays and were excited to start building and planning.

Rocketry Presentation

We were very happy with how are our presentation went. I thought I did what I needed to do. Also my other group members did their part. We got laughs from the parents when we said our rocket went 0 ft.

We practiced and it payed off. Sometimes we would talk a bit while practicing. Also it was hard because some people would get mad at people for not practicing but at the end will always ended up getting a lot of practicing done. And overall my group thought our presentation was great.

Here’s my group presentation

We practiced All the time and it really payed off. Sometimes we would talk a bit while practicing. Also it was hard because some people would get mad at people for not practicing but at the end will always ended up getting a lot of practicing done. And overall my group thought our presentation was great.


Walk It Like I Talk It






Lima Beans 3rd Week




The lima bean plant can grow without soil. We had 2 manipulated plants which were no air, no sunlight. We had a controlled plant with air, sunlight, water.


No Air

Our no air plant was thriving. The cotyledon was starting to come out of the lima bean. The leaf started to come out of the lima bean. The no air plants were starting to grow. I wasn’t surprised but the no air plant stopped growing. The leaves started to turn yellow. I think no air plant will not grow anymore.

Controlled [air ,sunlight, water]

Only one of the sunlight plants are healthy. The cotyledon is starting to come out of bean 2. I don’t know why all the of the plants are growing in the sunlight. I think the plant is going to keep thriving.

No Sunlight

The no sunlight plant isn’t doing great. The stem is white that is coming out of the lima bean. I think the no sunlight plant is going to die shortly

Similarities and differences  no air and controlled


  • They both were thriving in the beginning
  • They were both green at one point
  • They both went from a seedling to a young plant


  • The controlled stayed green the no air turned yellow
  • The controlled kept thriving and the no air stopped thriving
  • At first the no air was taller than the sunlight

Seed Pods


My plant was doing so good we started having flowers. Cell 2 and cell 4 leaves are green and there are little yellow flowers, but cell 1 and cell 3 are dead. The highest plant is 18 cm. The plant with most leaves has 16 leaves. everyday we started to have more flowers, more leaves and getting taller.


When you pollinate you use a q-tip or wind to separate each flower and a insect gets the pollen grain and the pollen grain goes down the pistil and the then the seed grows and the cycle starts again. The little seeds are called seed pods. The seed pods are the seeds we originally grew the plant with. The seed pods grow bigger everyday. You can take the seed pods out and you can replant the plant again and the cycle will start over and the cycle can go on and on.







Plant unit first week

my soapy water plant and controlled plant

my no sunlight plant


On May 3rd my class started our plant unit. We had a controlled plant and a manipulated plant. My controlled is a plant that we treat well. My manipulated plant is a plant where we have different things on the plant like soil, air, and sunlight. Those are the three different things you can use but the manipulated for example my group used soapy water. It is May 4th and my controlled plant started to grow quickly. My manipulated plant was very dry and didn’t grow which was expected. Now it is may 9th and my controlled is doing well the leaves are green and it is growing taller. The manipulated plant is dry and isn’t growing. I hope the controlled keeps doing what it’s doing and the manipulated starts growing. The no sunlight plant isn’t healthy its leaves are yellow, its stem is grey. but, the plant is tall and is growing every day.