An Art-tastic Journey

You have probably made a lot of art pieces, right? But have you had to make 3d birch trees? Futurescapes? Huskies? The Mona Lisa??? Well, That’s what I did! I am going to talk about the challenging pieces of Art and my favorite pieces! This was all thanks to Mr. Bentley! Our Art Teacher.

Lots of  my art pieces were pretty challenging, and I will be talking about 2 pieces in order that are kinda challenging to most challenging. The first art piece was Birch Trees. First we had to cut out rectangular shapes that were white, then use black paint on it. After this we had to draw a sunset. Then we had to paste the birch trees and then the project was done! (Until I added black paint to the trees it was finished!) The next Art Piece was to make Huskie! It was hard to make because, first we had to cover a blank piece of paper with charcoal. Then we had to trace the outline of a real life picture of a Huskie! Then we had to use Sharpie! We had to make complicated lines to make it realistic. Those were the top two challenging Art pieces.

Making my Art pieces was fun! I will be talking about 2 pieces that are my favorite. The first one was a Dog Drawing It was a lot of fun making it! I used a pencil and colored in the lines, next I added a dog bed and a pretty bag of kibble! Then I drew the ground, and voila! A drawing simple but awesome of a dog! My next favorite piece of art I made was the Futurescape. It was fun because I had to figure out how life would be in the future! I also had to make buildings, with tons of pollution, flying cars, and drones! II include the latest Iphone at that time. The Iphone 9999!!! I even Included a evil mayor! Bwhaha! Those were my top 2 favorite pieces of art.

Overall, making art was fun! Some of it was also challenging… Maybe you could be an artist one day.


The Journey Through CapCon

Lots of people have done presentations. But did you have to write an essay? Make slides with photos? Make a script and memorize it?  And even make a blog post about it? (This is the blog post) Well.. My question was “What are the contributions Ben Franklin has made to America as an inventor, writer, scientist and politician?”

I think that my research went well, Since Ben Franklin is famous, and there are a lot of sites, but not all of them are reliable, some of them say he invented daylight savings! Even though he didn’t invent it! So it was hard finding what was true, and what was fake. But after a long period of researching and finding out what was true and what was fake I had gathered enough research. Even though it was easy and hard finding my research it was also fun!

Writing my essay was challenging, I had to find what research to put in the right paragraph. I also needed to hook the reader in, so I needed to use the right words and also make some puns! When I finished my essay it had about six hundred words and was one and a half pages. I thought this was enough until I realized that it had to be three to five pages! So I extended my essay giving more evidence. In my essay I talked about the contributions Ben Franklin has made to America as an inventor, writer, scientist and politician. My essay is in this link: Capstone Essay.

Since I already talked about making my TED Talk I want to talk about why I chose it. Wevideo was a pretty good option too. But I really wanted to express my Capstone in talking, Not making a video about it. Making my script was easier than I thought because my essay Was formed into my script. Still, I had to change a lot of things but it was still fun. Each part of my script consisted of one slide. And each slide had to be 10-15 seconds! But after I had finished it it was 3 minutes and 18 seconds! My Script is in this Link: TED Script Template – Capstone

Making the TED talk took a lot of work but it was fun and challenging. One thing that was challenging was Memorizing, Memorizing took a lot of work, knowing it was over five hundred words! I also had to make slides and the photos had to match what I said, and that was hard because there were not many photos of Ben Franklin and his inventions. But after I had memorized it and finished my slides it turned out to be pretty fun! 5E – Eli – Capstone – Ben Franklin

Overall doing Capstone was pretty fun and challenging, Who knows? Maybe you will be doing a presentation like this one day?


Singapore to America, Interviewing Cheryl Fox

A while ago I was given an assignment to interview someone. I thought that it was just another homework project, but it turned out to be really fun. I decided to pick my mom, who was from Singapore, and I learned a lot of things about her that I never knew before!

Preparing for the Interview was pretty fun! But before I could conduct an interview I needed to have fifteen questions. Like where they’re from, why they left, how they got here and their life today. I went on two different websites, Storyworks, “FouSample Interview Questions and Interview Tips pdf Effective Tips for Conducting an Interview and Sample Immigrant Interview Questions. These two sites helped me make fifteen Interview questions for my Interviewee (my mom). That is why preparing for the interview was way funner than I thought!

Doing the interview was way funner than I thought! Since I finished my questions I have to interview my mom. Since it was not someone who is far away like my grandma or grandpa I could speak to my mom in person so it was way easier. Another thing I learned is that to be an interviewer you have to be patient, and sometimes you have to ask them to repeat the answer. One of the interesting things that I learned about my mom is she was a news anchor in Singapore! That is why doing the interview was fun!

In conclusion, doing the interview was great! Making the questions and interviewing! I would like to know… Would you want to be an interviewee or an interviewer?

My Paw-some Feature Article

Writing future articles is pretty fun… in this blog post I am going to tell you about the things I found challenging about writing and formatting my future article, and what I enjoyed about writing and formatting my future article.

The future article was full of surprises, here were the things that I enjoyed about writing my future article and what I found challenging about writing my article. One of the things that I really enjoyed about it was picking my pictures and making them, like when I was making my future article I made a pie chart of how many people own cats and dogs! I did that because my future article was about dogs. It was mostly about how to train your dog, my title was “A Paw-some Guide to Dog Training.”-”Teaching tricks with treats!” and that was really fun! Also finding dog pictures was fun too! That was what I found fun… But what I found challenging was finding the right intro for my story. One thing that was also challenging was getting the right conclusion for my story, Because I wanted to end my story on a fun note! And also have an intro that will hook you. Those were the things that I enjoyed about writing my article and what I found challenging in writing my future article.

Formatting your article is important, here were the things that I enjoyed about formatting my future article and what I found challenging about formatting my article. Formatting my article is to make sure it looks neat and clean. But doing this can actually be fun! One thing I enjoyed about formatting my article was the different shapes I could put my text in! You had to keep adjusting it to make it fit in with the pictures! Some parts of it were also challenging too, one part of it that was challenging was having it right to fit in with my pictures. Those were the things that I really enjoyed about formatting my future article and what I found challenging in writing my future article!

Overall doing (and formatting, writing and getting pictures) was pretty fun! I also think that “A Paw-some Guide to Dog Training” was a success!


Trick O’ Treat

Halloween is the best! Like how there is candy and also more candy and more candy… It was awesome going door to door! And having Halloween parties, Halloween Parades and even Halloween games! What’s next for Halloween???

On Halloween there were a lot of fun things and Halloween activities that we did here are a few of them, one of the things were the Halloween party it was AWESOME!

The first thing was the Halloween party! The dancing and the games were awesome! There was basketball, air hockey, a gaga pit and guessing jar! And the boys went against the girl in the dancing contest! It was a blast! (Just like the sound, it was pretty loud)! The Halloween parade was also awesome, I really liked how you got to see so many costumes of so many grades. Also kindergarten! One of the costumes that I liked was Andrew’s in the other class, he had a big inflatable chicken costume! He also was holding a chicken drumstick in his hand! Another good costume was Logan’s, it was a cool skeleton costume with a mask, pressing on it that would make it change colors and faces! Doing the monster math activities  was also super fun too rolling the dice and doing tallys was fun.. But making the monster was super fun. We almost had a normal person but he had three heads and he also had two mouths but everything else was normal. Also doing it with my buddy was great!

Halloween was so fun going door to door saying “trick or treat!” Logan, Dillon, Max and I started trick or treating at Carparige Road then we kept going until our bags were full! There were a bunch of places where it said “take 1!” and a ton of people took around seven pieces of candy from the bag/bucket/bowl! Giving out candy was fun too, one kid took almost 8 pieces of candy! Some of their costumes were pretty cool too! After all that it was super fun to organize the candy by brand! (And having some!) My favorite type of candy are Sour Patch and Snickers, my favorite type of Snickers are the peanut butter version of it! My favorite type of version for Sour Patch is the red type. (I am pretty sure it is raspberry!)

Overall Hallween was great! Having Halloween parties, Halloween parades, Halloween games, trick or treating and having Halloween candy! I think that Halloween is one of the best things every year! I wanted to know what your favorite candy is?

Field Trip Fun!


WOW! The Bedfords Ropes course was a BLAST! I really loved it! Wait a minute… Obstacle courses? Rope swings? Cliff jumps? It is all in the Bedfords Ropes course trip! That is what I am going to talk about, I am going to talk about my top three favorite courses on the Bedford Ropes and what I learned about many things!

There were a lot of fun challenges that we did at the Bedford Ropes course and it was awesome but, luckily I was able to narrow it down to three things that I enjoyed the most. My third favorite thing that I really enjoyed at the Bedford Ropes course was the rope swing it was really fun swinging from one platform to another, but it was also challenging because the platform was very far away and if the people in the team touch the ground three times then everybody on the team had to restart the course. It was really fun because the teams had to find out ways to try going farther! My second favorite thing that I really enjoyed in the Bedford Ropes course was the rope bridge game, that was when our group was split into two teams, each team had to get to the other side with balancing and not touching the ground. That was hard because there were about fourteen people on one rope but there were ropes on top of it to balance you. Not only that but, you can not touch people on other teams and you start on different sides! My favorite thing that I really enjoyed at the Bedford Ropes course was the Lava course and that was the most fun out of all of the courses! It had beams that you had to balance on and hop on one to the other. Also it went up trees! Another thing that was on the lava course there were metal wires that you had to balance on but, trees were checkpoints! After that you had to jump from swing to swing to get passed! Those were the top three things that I liked about Bedford Ropes! 

On the Bedford Rope course I learned a whole lot of things, these are the three things that I learned on the Bedford Rope trip. First, I learned that I am better at balancing than I thought! I learned this when I was on the metal tight wire and I also realized it on the lava course on the beams part of it! One thing that I learned from a classmate, Charlie. Is that he is really good at rope swings and has good strategies to go further on the rope swing. Watching Charlie do that helped the whole team because after that they were doing it and it made their group more successful. One thing that I learned about teamwork on the trip is when everyone is listening and the people in the team come up with something that works for everyone. It is almost like a guarantee that the group will do very well, and that is what my group did! Those were the things that I learned about myself, someone and teamwork! 

Overall the trip to Bedford Ropes was really awesome! It was so much fun experiencing  things like that!. Especially the Lava course that was my favorite, the Bedford Ropes course taught me a lot of thing but enough about me, I still want to know what is your favorite field trip?


My Identity Map Project!


I have just finished my Identity map. It is putting everything about you into drawings and words on one single piece of paper. It is interesting how an identity map can represent so much about you! Keep reading to find out the three things that I really like about my identity map. These are the top three things on my Identity Map that make me! The first thing is Legos, it’s really fun! Also, it is because I have been playing with Legos most of my life, and even today I still do it. I have done almost all the sets! The second thing is golf. It is my favorite sport even though most people only think it is hitting a ball with a stick. The third thing is my dog. My dog is a big part of me because when I come home I am always excited to see my doggie. It is a huge part of why I am looking forward to going home every day, It is one of the highlights of my day! Those were the top three things that I like about my identity map! 

  There are tons of things you can learn about your classmates just from their Identity Maps. so These are the three things I learned about my Tablemates The first thing I learned was that Vaed was from Boston! That was something that I did not expect to hear! (or read!) that! The second person I learned about was Avery! I did not know 

that she skied or played basketball, flag football, tennis, softball, or even lacrosse! This was surprising because I actually never asked her, and I was surprised that she did that many sports. Lastly I learned that Abby likes Harry Potter. 

That was pretty cool because I really like Harry Potter too! And those were the three things that I have learned from my Tablemates just by looking at their Identity Map. 

Making our Identity maps has been so fun and there are other things and there are a bunch more things that we are going to do in 5th grade! But before I say more… I want to know… how has your school year been so far?


Awesome things about Fifth Grade!

Fifth grade! It is my final year in Heathcote and it has only been three weeks and I already have done so many things!  Hot dog Field day?? Curling Field trip??? It is all in fifth grade! Keep reading to find out the fun things I am going to do!

It has only been two weeks of fifth grade and it is so much fun! Here are my top three things that I have enjoyed so far… One thing I have enjoyed is the math challenges we have been doing.. For example, the 20 x 9 challenge was really fun. I love having fun problems to solve! I also enjoyed the Four Fours challenge when you could only use 4 4’s challenge when you could only use fours fours’s to make numbers from 1-50! The second thing that I enjoyed was the Index Card Challenge, it helped my table work together better and it was really fun and challenging because we had to use a lot of things to make sure it does not fall! My final thing that I enjoyed was the Identity Map. It was really fun because I could draw pictures and inside of it had things about me. These are the three things that stood out to me in fifth grade but… It is only the start!

Fifth grade brings lots of surprises so here are the top three things that I am looking forward to!  The first thing on my list is comics. I am looking forward to comics because I love making comics at home. Second on my list is Hot Dog Field Day because I really like Field day’s activities and I LOVE hot dogs so it is going to be a great combo!!! And the third thing I am looking forward to is the curling trip! I love curling but this time we are going to do it on ice. What makes this even better is that we are doing the fifth grade field trip with Mr. Borgia! And those are my top three things that I am really looking forward to in fifth grade.

Fifth grade has been great so far and I even bet it is only going to get better!I am so excited for all of the new activities and the next thing that fifth grade brings to me! But before I get into that I really want to know, what is your favorite subject???


Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog!

This is space for me to write and publish work I have done from 3rd  grade forward. Everything I publish here is stuff I am proud of and is part of my learning process as I grow as a student and a writer. I will be able to look back on this blog as I get older and have a long portfolio of my work when I am ready to go to college.