My Identity Map Project!

I have just finished my Identity map. It is putting everything about you into drawings and words on one single piece of paper. It is interesting how an identity map can represent so much about you! Keep reading to find out the three things that I really like about my identity map. These are the top three things on my Identity Map that make me! The first thing is Legos, it’s really fun! Also, it is because I have been playing with Legos most of my life, and even today I still do it. I have done almost all the sets! The second thing is golf. It is my favorite sport even though most people only think it is hitting a ball with a stick. The third thing is my dog. My dog is a big part of me because when I come home I am always excited to see my doggie. It is a huge part of why I am looking forward to going home every day, It is one of the highlights of my day! Those were the top three things that I like about my identity map! 

  There are tons of things you can learn about your classmates just from their Identity Maps. so These are the three things I learned about my Tablemates The first thing I learned was that Vaed was from Boston! That was something that I did not expect to hear! (or read!) that! The second person I learned about was Avery! I did not know 

that she skied or played basketball, flag football, tennis, softball, or even lacrosse! This was surprising because I actually never asked her, and I was surprised that she did that many sports. Lastly I learned that Abby likes Harry Potter. 

That was pretty cool because I really like Harry Potter too! And those were the three things that I have learned from my Tablemates just by looking at their Identity Map. 

Making our Identity maps has been so fun and there are other things and there are a bunch more things that we are going to do in 5th grade! But before I say more… I want to know… how has your school year been so far?


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