The Journey Through CapCon

Lots of people have done presentations. But did you have to write an essay? Make slides with photos? Make a script and memorize it?  And even make a blog post about it? (This is the blog post) Well.. My question was “What are the contributions Ben Franklin has made to America as an inventor, writer, scientist and politician?”

I think that my research went well, Since Ben Franklin is famous, and there are a lot of sites, but not all of them are reliable, some of them say he invented daylight savings! Even though he didn’t invent it! So it was hard finding what was true, and what was fake. But after a long period of researching and finding out what was true and what was fake I had gathered enough research. Even though it was easy and hard finding my research it was also fun!

Writing my essay was challenging, I had to find what research to put in the right paragraph. I also needed to hook the reader in, so I needed to use the right words and also make some puns! When I finished my essay it had about six hundred words and was one and a half pages. I thought this was enough until I realized that it had to be three to five pages! So I extended my essay giving more evidence. In my essay I talked about the contributions Ben Franklin has made to America as an inventor, writer, scientist and politician. My essay is in this link: Capstone Essay.

Since I already talked about making my TED Talk I want to talk about why I chose it. Wevideo was a pretty good option too. But I really wanted to express my Capstone in talking, Not making a video about it. Making my script was easier than I thought because my essay Was formed into my script. Still, I had to change a lot of things but it was still fun. Each part of my script consisted of one slide. And each slide had to be 10-15 seconds! But after I had finished it it was 3 minutes and 18 seconds! My Script is in this Link: TED Script Template – Capstone

Making the TED talk took a lot of work but it was fun and challenging. One thing that was challenging was Memorizing, Memorizing took a lot of work, knowing it was over five hundred words! I also had to make slides and the photos had to match what I said, and that was hard because there were not many photos of Ben Franklin and his inventions. But after I had memorized it and finished my slides it turned out to be pretty fun! 5E – Eli – Capstone – Ben Franklin

Overall doing Capstone was pretty fun and challenging, Who knows? Maybe you will be doing a presentation like this one day?


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