My Paw-some Feature Article

Writing future articles is pretty fun… in this blog post I am going to tell you about the things I found challenging about writing and formatting my future article, and what I enjoyed about writing and formatting my future article.

The future article was full of surprises, here were the things that I enjoyed about writing my future article and what I found challenging about writing my article. One of the things that I really enjoyed about it was picking my pictures and making them, like when I was making my future article I made a pie chart of how many people own cats and dogs! I did that because my future article was about dogs. It was mostly about how to train your dog, my title was “A Paw-some Guide to Dog Training.”-”Teaching tricks with treats!” and that was really fun! Also finding dog pictures was fun too! That was what I found fun… But what I found challenging was finding the right intro for my story. One thing that was also challenging was getting the right conclusion for my story, Because I wanted to end my story on a fun note! And also have an intro that will hook you. Those were the things that I enjoyed about writing my article and what I found challenging in writing my future article.

Formatting your article is important, here were the things that I enjoyed about formatting my future article and what I found challenging about formatting my article. Formatting my article is to make sure it looks neat and clean. But doing this can actually be fun! One thing I enjoyed about formatting my article was the different shapes I could put my text in! You had to keep adjusting it to make it fit in with the pictures! Some parts of it were also challenging too, one part of it that was challenging was having it right to fit in with my pictures. Those were the things that I really enjoyed about formatting my future article and what I found challenging in writing my future article!

Overall doing (and formatting, writing and getting pictures) was pretty fun! I also think that “A Paw-some Guide to Dog Training” was a success!


Trick O’ Treat

Halloween is the best! Like how there is candy and also more candy and more candy… It was awesome going door to door! And having Halloween parties, Halloween Parades and even Halloween games! What’s next for Halloween???

On Halloween there were a lot of fun things and Halloween activities that we did here are a few of them, one of the things were the Halloween party it was AWESOME!

The first thing was the Halloween party! The dancing and the games were awesome! There was basketball, air hockey, a gaga pit and guessing jar! And the boys went against the girl in the dancing contest! It was a blast! (Just like the sound, it was pretty loud)! The Halloween parade was also awesome, I really liked how you got to see so many costumes of so many grades. Also kindergarten! One of the costumes that I liked was Andrew’s in the other class, he had a big inflatable chicken costume! He also was holding a chicken drumstick in his hand! Another good costume was Logan’s, it was a cool skeleton costume with a mask, pressing on it that would make it change colors and faces! Doing the monster math activities  was also super fun too rolling the dice and doing tallys was fun.. But making the monster was super fun. We almost had a normal person but he had three heads and he also had two mouths but everything else was normal. Also doing it with my buddy was great!

Halloween was so fun going door to door saying “trick or treat!” Logan, Dillon, Max and I started trick or treating at Carparige Road then we kept going until our bags were full! There were a bunch of places where it said “take 1!” and a ton of people took around seven pieces of candy from the bag/bucket/bowl! Giving out candy was fun too, one kid took almost 8 pieces of candy! Some of their costumes were pretty cool too! After all that it was super fun to organize the candy by brand! (And having some!) My favorite type of candy are Sour Patch and Snickers, my favorite type of Snickers are the peanut butter version of it! My favorite type of version for Sour Patch is the red type. (I am pretty sure it is raspberry!)

Overall Hallween was great! Having Halloween parties, Halloween parades, Halloween games, trick or treating and having Halloween candy! I think that Halloween is one of the best things every year! I wanted to know what your favorite candy is?