Capstone Blog Post #3 | Elisha

In class 5-Edwards we have started Capstone online, and my Topic is “Terraforming Mars.” I chose this because I’ve always been interested in learning about terraforming Mars. I always have a lot of questions about Mars and Capstone is all about asking questions so I am extremely happy with my topic. My inquiry question is How are houses on Mars going to differ from those on earth? I chose this because there is a lot of possibilities of sub-questions you can add.

The way that I found my inquiry question is by, choosing the best and my favorite questions on my curriculum wheel. Then I used the inquiry question rubric and started by checking level 3. I removed two questions that weren’t good enough, then it was time to move to number 4. At the end, I removed one more and ended up with two. There was one that was easy to make sub-questions for and one that was harder, so I chose the one that had more sub-question possibilities.

There wasn’t much that was challenging. But one thing that would have been a challenge is that I can’t ask my teacher for help. But my mom was here to help me so it was okay.

Before this I didn’t know at all how Capstone worked, I thought you had to talk about something you already knew. But then I learned that it is actually all about learning something new. So Capstone is a fun and different experience and I am enjoying it.

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King Day is on, Monday, January 20, 2020, and his birthday is on January 15. Born in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin won a big speech in high school. He graduated high school at age 15. Went to Morehouse College. He became a minister in 1948. He told people not to fight and to change the laws in peaceful ways. He sometimes went to jail and faced violence but he kept working. In 1953, he married Coretta Scott King In 1963 he gave his famous speech, “I Have a Dream,” in Washington, D.C. In 1964 he won the Nobel Peace Prize. The Civil Rights laws became a law in 1964 now people of all colors have equal rights. Martin’s work was a success. Martin was assassinated in 1968.

Ignite Presentation (Reflection)

I was a bit nervous because I didn’t have enough time to practice so I said um a lot, but all the other kids said um a lot too so I felt much better.

I was a little shaky but it was ok.  I liked my slide a lot because it stands out a lot since it has a different color and style.

It is now on youtube on “Heathcote Tech”

American Revolution Political Cartoon – “The Boston Fail Party”

My Political Cartoon is Based on “The Boston Tea Party”My Cartoon Version is Called “The Boston Fail Party”I made this because I am learning about American Revolution and chose this scene because it is the most known scene in the American Revolution.

This is the drawing I drew:

Read Aloud – Reflection on Wish

Charlie has been making the same secret wish every day since fourth grade. She even has a list of all the ways there are to make the wish, such as cutting off the pointed end of a slice of pie and wishing on it as she takes the last bite. But when she is sent to Blue Ridge Mountains of Colby at the to live with family she barely knows ( her aunt and uncle ), it seems unlikely that her wish will come true. Until she meets Wishbone, a stray dog who she now loves, and Howard, a boy who surprises Charlie with how he acts. Suddenly Charlie is in a serious problem of discovering that what she thought she wanted may not be what she needs at all.
I think her wish is to have 
a family, a true family.

Read Aloud Reflection – Wonder – 2

This Read Aloud Reflection is the 2nd in a series of posts about the book Wonder.

This is my precept: Friends are Family and Family are Friends

In this Chapter August is going to his next class, English. and when he at English class the kids that gave him a tour were in English Class too. in English class Mr. Brown his teacher wrote down the word “P-R-E-C-E-P-T” on the board. Which means Rules about really important things like safety and Kindness. Mr. Brown has a thing that every month in his class you right the Mr. brown precepts in your notebook and wrote the first precept he said “Choose Kindness over Right.” At lunch he was alone at the table but somebody named Summer came to his table then then one of the people who was sitting at the table she came from told her to come back but she told them to come to August’s table. Then that’s when Summer realized they both had Summer names and then thats when August realized he had a new friend.

Read Aloud Reflection – Wonder – 1

This Read Aloud Reflection is the 1st in a series of posts about the book Wonder.


In this chapter it was August’s first day of school and in his first homeroom there was Jack Will, Julian and Charlotte.His teacher was asking people’s names and when it was August’s turn Julian asked him if Darth Sidious is his favorite character because Darth Sidious has a deformed face and August also has a deformed face.

Welcome to 4th Grade!

My 4th grade year has begun! I am very excited and this year I read way more than last year, i already read 2700 pages since the beginning of the school year. Learning all these new things in math is so fun now we do prime and composite numbers, I never knew that you call parts of the product factors.


This year in Physical Education the first this we do is run for three minutes and thirty seconds and we to forty second sit-ups and twenty second push-ups.

Maglev Trains Blog Post #1


A maglev train is a train that levitates and it repels because of the magnets on the train and the tracks. When the same poles face each other they repel. When different poles face each other they attract. In order for a maglev train to work, the same poles have to face each other (north to north or south to south). My group’s idea was to make the track have five ring magnets down the center and two long strip magnets on the sides. On the train we have 8 disc magnets around the edge.

We failed because some magnets were facing north and south on the track but on the bottom of the train the magnets were facing south. So we failed because some attracted and some repelled. We agreed to each take turns testing our idea so now we will try the next idea.

Next time we will be careful to make them all face north with a bar magnet because the bar magnets are labeled. We will know if it is north or south. Now we will try the next idea. The next idea will be three long strip magnets on the track and three smaller strip magnets on the train. I hope it works.


This is our first design for our maglev train.






My Expert Book – 3L

This is my book about the game Roblox. I chose this topic because I play this game all the time and really like it. When I’m home, I play Roblox with my friends online. For my project, I had to put a lot of pictures to show and explain how the game works. I had to write it in a way people who have never played with it can understand. I enjoyed putting the pictures, and organizing the presentation of my project. For me, the challenging part was to type a lot of sentences.

It is my first project on a computer and I am very proud of it! I am very happy to be able to share my passion about Roblox to others and I hope you will play Roblox after reading my project!.