MagLev Day 1

 A maglev train is a train that levitates 10 millimeter above the track.The magnets are on top of the track  and on the bottom of the train repel. 


We failed because the strip magnets were attracting to the strip magnet on the track. I am going to improve how many  magnets we used. We also had lots of ring when we do not need them. We also experienced that the magnets were touching the side of the box.


I had a great time working, building, design. Ethan was an idea man, and Andy was an awesome building partner. Even now I had two awesome partner, it was a big challenge.


this is mysteries file, that ms.mangan gave us. Hope you like it!


thanks for reading.did you like it,please comment if you do

Stone Fox Retell

This is the story of a ten year old boy named Little Willy who lives with his grandfather. One morning his grandfather does not get out of bed and Little Willy is nervous he is sick. He goes and gets the doctor, Doc Smith to see if she can help. Doc Smith says that he does not want to live. Little Willy finds out that they are broke and does everything he can to make money. Grandfather is still not behaving like himself. Then they discover that Grandfather owes 500 dollars in taxes. So Little Willy enters a race to win the money to save the farm.