Rube Goldberg Blog Post 2

Finally, after weeks of building and filming it was done, my Rube Goldberg machine. Let me take you to the beginning. I started with a sketch of my idea right after I got to work. I worked on it for two and a half hours then after all the extra materials were put away, I looked over my project with a smile all over my face.

I started to film. One try went past, then two, and three. Finally, at try 11 it worked. Yes! I yelled and danced across the room I’ve done it.

Know after a one-week break from school and a few days of not worrying about it on homework I realized it was time to start making the video.

It took me a night of grinding then finally after two hours I was done. Looking at my video I was so happy. Finally, I thought, I don’t have to bite my nails and worry about doing this. If I need to be totally honest I love it but, my only change would be there are no due dates.


My sketch:

My video:

My credits:



Joseph’s machines











Co Builder:




Rube Goldberg Blog Post 1

So far in my Rube Goldberg journey, I had countless amounts of fun but, I also had encountered problems. Some of the mine taking up my attempts multiple attempts till I realized it others were very obvious but still taking up time for me to fix but, they both were indefinitely frustrating.

My first problem was aerodynamics on my inclined plane where the car would hit the tennis ball.  It did but enough force to make it move so the third time it happened I thought what if I added a plank to the top of my ramp. Seeing it took a few more tries to work I think that helped. Another problem was when I started thinking big but, maybe a little too large. I wanted this tube that would go down the stairs but, the only problem is that the car was the least bit accurate anything I were to put on the track it would miss eventually I thought that maybe I should stick to the sketch.

I never really had a test run but, what I did do was I would test after every new step to see if it incorporated into my design. Personally, what helped me the most was the videos I watched they gave me ideas of what I should incorporate in my Rube Goldberg and what are some ways to make things work.