WeVideo Reflection Blog Post

This is the process of making my WeVideo. When I first started doing research about my animal I recall thinking this is so hard! I wanted a lot of research so I had something to say in the WeVideo.

We got this organizer that had a lot of categories like smell and vision so I decided to take one of the organizer and Didn’t think it was that helpful. This part of the project was pretty hard. After we were done with the research we needed to type it. This part was fairly easy.

Then when we went to the computer lab again we were going to write our script. Which was basically typing it again and getting rid of the parts we did not need. This was the hardest part.

We needed to re read the script many many times. We needed to see how much it took us to read the whole thing it had to be either 45 seconds or it had to be 60 seconds. This was not that hard because you can adjust how fast you can talk.

Next we were doing it for the real thing the thing that we practiced so much for. The WeVideo. We needed to first get a voice over which is something that goes and narrates the video.This part was not that hard because you can do it more than one time.

Then when you were finished doing the narrates then you put the pictures in. When the pictures were fixed your we video was basically done.The finishing touches were easy because you can put whatever that relates to your animal. I really enjoyed this project and I hope in the future I can do another of these things.