Feature article blog post

Have you ever made a feature article? Well I recently did, so in this article I talk about my experience making a feature article.

I liked writing my rules section because it was really long and after I finished that section I felt very proud of myself. Finishing my organizer was the hardest part because I was absent on the day that they made their conclusion and introduction, plus I had a lot of sections so I had to leave out some sections so I wouldn’t be behind.

My favorite part about formatting is how you could create any design you wanted. The most challenging is the graph of all types of shots because it was hard to show how all of the shots worked  

 Now that you heard how I think of feature articles, do you make one?

Westchester County Board of Legislators

Have you ever visited a chamber or met someone you read about? Well I have during my field trip to the “Westchester County Board of Legislators”.  I met a chairman called Benjamin Boykin.  In this blog post I will share two things I learned and two things I enjoyed doing.  If you want to learn more about my field trip, please continue reading my blog.

Two things I learned when we were in the “Legislative Branch of Country Government” were that when legislators vote they first discuss the topic and then after everyone understands the situation, each legislator decides to vote either yey or ney (yey= I think this should be a law, and ney = I don’t think this should be a law). Another thing I learned is that in every vote, someone from the public will be selected to be a public speaker. The person who got picked for the public speaker can vote with the legislators. 

Two things I learned when we were in the “Legislative Branch of Country Government” were that when legislators vote they would first discuss the topic and then after everyone understands the situation, each legislator decides to vote yey or ney (yey= I think this should be a law, and ney = I don’t think this should be a law). Another thing I learned is that in every vote ,someone from the public will be selected to be a public speaker. The person who got picked for the public speaker can vote with the legislators.

In this blog I wrote about what I did, what I learned and who I met. Honestly , this field trip was my favorite out of all of the field trips I ever went to in my whole life. Even though I know that in middle school there will be field trips that will prove to be more entertaining, I still want to have this field trip again because it is both entertaining and educational. Would you want to have this field trip?


blog post #3 AmRev

I think it feels so calming to be done because then I won’t have to worry about messing up. I honestly enjoyed making the video the most because it was so fun to find pictures and put it in my own movie. But I didn’t really like recording the project because it was pretty frustrating because I would mess up a lot. I think you can improve this project by giving more options to explain your research like slide show.

passion project blog post

I chose to do the history of tennis because I think that tennis is something I’m really passionate about. I decided to do a slide show for the final project because I think it gives a lot of room to fit my research and information. I really enjoyed doing this project because it is really fun researching about something I really like. If we could ever change a bit of this project I would give more options to make the document on.

Blog Post #2 AmRev

I selected wevideo. And I chose that wevideo because I think it will look very good and it suits me. I think writing my narrative was pretty hard because right after I finished writing it I went right to script but later I had to redo my script because the teacher didn’t check my narrative. And I think it was a very nice project because it has a lot of stages and every time you advance it feels very exciting, the most exciting part was when I went to the wevideo part because it felt like the part that I was working for the whole time.

AmRev : blog #1

I chose The French and Indian War because I think learning about it will be really fun, because it takes about a lot of famous people like William Pitt.

For my research I usually brain pop because it gives a big complete timeline but I also went to Factcite to get information on the peace of Paris.

In my opinion the next phase of the AmRev project will be really fun, I think making the movie and narrating will me very fun.

Middle Colonies Reflect

I chose my region very fast because I knew the most about the Middle Colonies. I took most of my notes in my Social Studies notebook . I chose slide show because both the poster and the infographic both did not have enough room.
I took most of my notes on Ducksters. Sometimes the info wasn’t exact.
My final project was a slideshow. I picked slideshow because both the poster and the infographic both did not have enough room. Sometimes my projects looked a little goofy and I didn’t know how to fix it. I enjoyed making the slide show because there were cool features that we could use. I think research was the most challenging because I always had too much of this, too little on this and in general it was really unsteady. If I could go back I would change the pictures because the food looked pretty gross and I think some readers might feel uncomfortable.
Here is my slideshow:
Thank you for watching.

It is Nice to Be By Yourself in Sports

In my opinion it’s nice to be by yourself in sports. Most people think that it can only improve your skill physically but it can improve a lot of skills aside from the physical skills. For example you can practice your independence, your kindness and being mature.

You might be wondering how does being by yourself in sports makes you more mature? Well when you get more advanced in sports you will have to be more mature or else you will be sent to a lower level. Accepting that you lost is an important skill, this skill is called sportsmanship. It is practiced a lot in individual sports. 

You can also practice one of the most important skill in the world called kindness. This is because you have to agree on the score before you play. This statement itself would not make sense on this topic, but you would want to get back to the game as soon as possible so you would want to work together to a score you agree on.

Now we will focus on a skill that you will practice a lot in individual sports. It is called independence! It is pretty obvious because the topic is literally “Being by yourself in sports is good”. Just so you know being by yourself is the same thing as being independent. Here’s a little story to support it. When I first started playing tennis when I was three it didn’t really help with my independence, because I was…three. But when I got older and got more competitive I also got more independence. 

People can learn the value of individual sports because of how much skills you can improve on. I hope you can understand my love of individual sport. 

Extreme Weather Ignite Reflection

I think I spent the most time doing research out of all the things I had to do because I did like 6 pages. But the other steps like turning research into a narrative or memorizing the reflection and doing the slides and final show were also hard
It was sometimes challenging to work in a group because people would sometimes fool around, including me.
I enjoyed the final show because I liked showing what I spent a lot of work on.
I think the project was challenging because I had to do the intro. I had a hard time doing the intro because I have stage fright.
I was also very scared of the final presentation because I thought I was going to mess up really bad.
I think I would want to go back and make my narrative longer because Madison’s narrative would always go ahead of time so I would need to speak slower, and I could have used that time to make my narrative longer.

Overall I think that my group was pretty good and it was really nice to work with them.
Check out my groups performance!