In my opinion it’s nice to be by yourself in sports. Most people think that it can only improve your skill physically but it can improve a lot of skills aside from the physical skills. For example you can practice your independence, your kindness and being mature.
You might be wondering how does being by yourself in sports makes you more mature? Well when you get more advanced in sports you will have to be more mature or else you will be sent to a lower level. Accepting that you lost is an important skill, this skill is called sportsmanship. It is practiced a lot in individual sports.
You can also practice one of the most important skill in the world called kindness. This is because you have to agree on the score before you play. This statement itself would not make sense on this topic, but you would want to get back to the game as soon as possible so you would want to work together to a score you agree on.
Now we will focus on a skill that you will practice a lot in individual sports. It is called independence! It is pretty obvious because the topic is literally “Being by yourself in sports is good”. Just so you know being by yourself is the same thing as being independent. Here’s a little story to support it. When I first started playing tennis when I was three it didn’t really help with my independence, because I was…three. But when I got older and got more competitive I also got more independence.
People can learn the value of individual sports because of how much skills you can improve on. I hope you can understand my love of individual sport.