What I did in the final days of tech
My box is finished and I will make a blog post about the entire process but this post is about what I did since my last post.
My box after flocking
After hinges I flocked.
Here is how I flocked:
- Apply glue
- Make sure it is heavily applied to part of exposed wood
- Apply flocking
- Take a big scoop of flocking
- put it in box
- Take a big scoop of flocking
- Dump out extra flocking
- Wait a day to dry
- Check if it is done (there is no empty patches)
- If done then flocking is done
- If not: fix it
- Dap glue into missing spots
- Reapply flocking
- Go back to waiting a day and checking if done
- If not: fix it
- If done then flocking is done
I hade to reapply once.
My box after engraving
Then I engraved. I used a cool wood burning tool that looked kinda like a soldering iron.
Then I waxed. Here is how I waxed:
- Do paste wax
- Rub in paste wax
- Use towel to rub off paste wax
- Do spray wax
- Do one side
- Spray a little wax on
- Rub in the wax
- Repeat on all sides
- Do one side