Eli's Blog

Just another Scarsdale Schools Blogs Site

The big project!


After reading my last two posts, you’re probably wondering:


What is his big project?

If you are wondering that, then you’re in luck!



My big project is making a waterproof flashlight❗️

We are using PVC pipes, wires (red and black), and a bunch of other cool supplies. We are using drill presses, soldering irons, and more interesting tools. Today I cut my pipe and drilled all the holes. Tomorrow I can start soldering. Mr. Calvert says we might be finished by the end of the week. Here are some pictures from today:




We cut the pipes using this

Here is the drill press

Here is my flashlight so far 

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(Somewhat) Impossible tower


In my last blog I mentioned that I started a big project. Yesterday I finished planning, so I had some free time while everyone else was planning. I decided to go back to a tower building project from September. The tower I built took so many tries, and even after I was done it looked like it would fall. I realized that I needed a support in the middle that I would take out when I finished. The problem was that once I took it out the tower would fall. I remembered Mr. Calvert warning me that the blocks were not perfec,t so the next time I put a slightly smaller in that spot. It worked!

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🐕 Solder dog friends


After tech yesterday I chose to stay late and make a second solderdog! I finished my first on so quickly that I choose to make a second, because I had no other ideas of what to make. Both of them were super easy to make. Even though the are most likely my last solder people/animal, they will not be my last time soldering. I am starting a new project involving soldering (I will probably post about that some what soon)…

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More soldering!


In tech today I finished a second solder fencer. After school I stayed late to make a solder dog and a second solder baseball player. My next three posts will be about each individual one. In tech today I wrote a blog post about the idea that I have an army of solder people, and then I got to finish the project I started yesterday after school. Immediately after tech (tech is the last period for me) I stayed to make my solder dog. Once I was done with my solder dog, I noticed that I still had a lot of time before I had to go so I decided to make another solder baseball player. I hope you enjoy learning about each individual solder person/dog!

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🤺solder fencer! (part 2)🤺


…I was so excited. That is how I ended my post “🤺solder person🤺.” Now I am writing about my second solder fencer. It was definitely very fun, but not as easy as I thought. The first complication was that the gold wire was even harder to bend than I thought. It took me a few attempts at soldering it to get it right. I expected it to take me one day and it took me two. I had to remake the arms because I had messed them up. In the end I had a great time and it turned out great!

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Solder dog!


Today after tech I stayed late to make a solder dog (and once I finished, a solder baseball player). It was the first (and maybe only) time the solder figure I made was not human. Since I used gold wire for my last project (my second solder fencer) and  I used regular wire for my solder dog (regular wire is so much easier to bend) it felt so easy to bend. I am so exited that it has a tail. I had a great time making a solder dog!

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Solder baseball!


You have heard of baseball, but have you heard of solder baseball? Probably not because I made it up. I have made two solder baseball players. I made one of them last week, but I made another one after school today. I made him mostly with the regular wire, but I made his bat out of gold wire. After I had finished my solder dog I made my solder baseball player. He was super easy to bend, make stand, and (most importantly) solder (unlike other ones I have made). He is probably the last solder person/animal I make in sixth grade.

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Solder army (somewhat)


One of my uncles said that I will have a solder army. That, unfortunately, will not be true. There are two reasons:

1. I don’t have enough time to make an entire army. I might not make any more.

2. I am not making solder people that fight, so far just solder people that play sports.

I made a baseball player and a fencer already. I am in the middle of making a second solder fencer. I will never have an army but I have an awesome group.

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🤺Solder fencer 🤺


Today in tech, I made a second solder person! He is a fencer. Since I finished my first solder person and switches, Mr. Calvert said I could work on my blog. I already had posted more posts than the others, Mr. Calvert said I could make a second solder person. I was pretty quick at bending the wires. I couldn’t solder until everyone made at least one. There were still some people left. At some point Mr. Calvert said that the people that were soldering were the last ones left. Finally, after what felt like a hour of waiting, I got to solder! Tomorrow I can stay late to make another solder person. I am so excited…

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September tech (Was awesome)


So far tech is awesome! My favorite time was when we were soldering, last Friday. Some other fun things in September are:

1.making switches!

2.learning how batteries work!

3. Learning how small atoms are!

4.the breakout!

One really fun project that I am in the middle of, one that lasts the entire time I am in tech is blog posts. We do at least 10 posts and they have to be about tech. We can make non-tech related posts as long as we do ten that are related to tech. I have had so much fun in tech already. I can’t wait to see what we do next!

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