Eli's Blog

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Making Switches


In tech today I tested my switches. They all worked great! Last week we made our switches along with our  solder people. We made three switches, and they all had to work differently. We are going to play a game with the switches. In the game, we will turn on different switches depending on what cards the other players show us. It sounds like it will be a fun game. I can’t wait to see what we do next in tech!

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Soldering is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!


Today was my first day using the soldering iron! It was so fun. I made a baseball player. He has a bat in his hands. When I was soldering the arms on, I got so scared when the solder started melting. I was calm when I soldered the bat on, because I already knew that would happen so I was prepared. Best day of tech EVER!

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We were working on circuits last Friday. It was very fun. I thought it was very easy to put the differnt wires on. I learned so much about electricity and batteries last week. I had fun telling my parents about how batteries work. I learned that the light was brighter in the circuit when I used two batteries instead of one. It was so fun.

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Electroscopes in wet weather


Electroscopes don’t work well in humid/rainy weather. It is so sad. On Wednesday we were using an electroscope. The weather was cloudy and humid. The electroscope didn’t work well. It barely moved. Mr. Calvert said that it works great in dry weather. He said that it goes up so high. The electroscope works when you rub the wool against the pipe. All the electrons go into the pipe. Then when you move the pipe closer to the electroscope the electrons in the electroscope move down into the jar because electrons stay away from other electrons. In the jar they go on the foil strips. On the foil strips the electrons move away from the ones on the other strip causing the strips to move away from each other. Water is very conductive so when it is humid the water in the air takes the electrons so the electrons don’t go into the jar. I hope we do it again on a dry day to see what the difference is.

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