Tag Archives: Immigration

Immigration Project Reflection

In school, we just finished a very different and awesome project that is called Immigration. We had to interview a person who is an immigrant and make a video about them based on the answers they gave to the questions that we made. After we made the interview we had to make a script which helped us make our video. For the project, I interviewed Nadia Roumani, who is my mom’s work partner.

I learned a lot because of this project because it gave us the chance to interview someone which I really enjoyed. One of the many things I learned during the process of this project was when I was making the questions because I learned that you cannot just ask a yes or no question, you have to ask a question that will get the interviewee to start talking.

I also learned how to use Adobe. For the other projects, we were working on, we always used WeVideo and I forgot how to use Adobe, this was a great chance to learn more about it.

One thing that I found that was really surprising to me was when Nadia said that her home country, Morocco had a queen and king. Before she told me I thought that it had the same government and that it had a president.

One of the things that were frustrating was Adobe because the narration wasn’t really similar to WeVideo. We had to press a button and hold it and a lot of times I accidentally stopped the recording and didn’t realize. Another problem with the narration was that if I started before 1 second then the narration would glitch and it would be ruined. My slides were also very long and mostly I tried to go faster so it would be under 6 seconds. Lastly, I tried to make my voice sound the same as the other slides which was a little challenging for me. I didn’t really like adobe after these problems.

One of the good things that I liked about Adobe is that you could play around and resize the photos. I also liked the transitions and the theme.

Overall, I really enjoyed doing this project, and the part I loved best was when we got to conduct an interview.

Here is my final immigration video!