Rube Goldberg #4 Our Attempts

Me, Hannah and Summer knew that we were not going to get our Rube Goldberg on our first try but we were still going to give our best! Obviously we didn’t get it on our first try, sometimes we didn’t push the ball hard enough or the jenga or dominos were too close together. It only took us 6 tries not so bad. I feel that we should of made our Rube Goldberg a little more complex because the whole thing was things knocking something down to the other. I’m really proud of Summer and Hannah we did a amazing job!


We had a lot of different mistakes but they were small ones. Sometimes we forgot to put one of our steps when we were doing it. To be honest I thought we were going to have a lot more attempts, I was shocked that we only had 6 attempts I thought we were going to have like 18.  With our attempts I learned that if you don’t get your first attempt keep trying. Finally there was a success.


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