Post #9- Flashlight part 2

In our flashlight unit I am really behind everyone in the unit so I decided to go to extra help in the morning, that is really convenient because my bus comes in 30 mins early, so i just stepped on by. When I got there I was rushing, I got a piece of paper with my design of what I want my flashlight to be like. I asked my teacher to help me, it turns out I have to get my wires and cut them, that was pretty easy, i did it in 5 mins. Next I have to put a hole in my flashlight so the lightbulb could go through and I had to put another hole on the side so my switch to turn on the light. I had to redo my hole for my lightbulb because it was un even. 

Now it was time to solder it so I got my wires and put hucks on them so i could connect them and then I started. I put the red wire around one end of the battery switch then a black one on the other side. After all of that it was time to go, I felt a lot better than I did before, I was happy


Post #8- Flashlight part 1

In tech class I see on the board to just take a seat at your spot and were gonna watch a video! I’m so happy because we don’t have to do work, after a couple of minutes the substitute tells us we are watching a video on the kids who got stuck in a cave from a really bad storm. While we were watching I found it very interesting that kids survived during this terrible event. The next day I go to tech and realize we watched the video because we are going to be building a flashlight

Post # 7- 3rd Battery Switch

After recess I ran really fast to tech and grab my iPad. When I get to class I don’t even look at the board, I just got a cardboard piece and cut it into a big square. I wanted my last one to look a lot different from my first one, so I got a lot of popsicle sticks and stacked them on eachother with hot glue. After that I got two more, I put one standing up and the other one dangling off of it. Now I just had to finish it with putting on tinfoil on the popsicle sticks glued together and the one dangling off the popsicle sticks. When I was finished I was surprised because I only finished it in TEN seconds, now itś time for my next project.

Post #6- 2nd BatterySwitch

When I walk into tech class I’m really happy because I finished the work we were working on, so I can work on our next unit. While I’m doing the next unit I notice that there is still some people working on their battery switches, I’m really confused because I thought it was due today so I go over and ask them. I walked over and said “why are you still working on your battery switches”, after I asked this they looked really confused and then they said you did all three of them. NOOOOO is all I was thinking, I only thought we had to do one, I was so upset. I wonder when it is due so I asked them, they said this Friday, gosh I only have two days. No more talking I have two days, I have to start.

    I went back to my table and asked someone “can you give me ideas to do for my battery switch.” When I asked this question I knew what I was gonna do. I get a cardboard and cut two squares and rapped tinfoil around it. Tomorrow I have to finish my third one. 

Post #5- Battery Switch #1

When I walk to tech class I’m pretty positive were gonna do an experiment because we are doing those a lot lately, of course I was right. I walk into the class and I see on the board it says to go to we go there a lot, it’s where you go when were doing a new experiment. After my teacher waits a few minutes for everyone to come in, he switches on to the next slide. It’s nothing but a few moments later he says to come to a table, while everyone goes to the table I’m curious what he is gonna talk about.  The experiment were doing is on, battery switches where we have to make a design and see if it works when we check it on on the battery switches and if it works a green lights up. After he explained everything he showed us examples, after he showed us the examples I knew exactly what I was doing. I am making a swing where the tinfoil will be rapped around the swing that’s hanging from the top and put tinfoil at the bottom.

    It’s time to start first I had to grab tinfoil, my safety goggles and cut out a circle on the machine. When I first tried I was so scared because it was really fast and sharp, after I finished (which took a long time) it didn’t look good because some of it was ripped, so I had to start again. This time I tried to be extra careful, and it worked, it looked so good! Now I had to grab the supplies I needed tinfoil, rubber band to hold my swing, popsicle sticks so I can hang my swing on something and tape to make sure the tinfoil was on. First I had to tinfoil at the bottom so I could have another tinfoil to make it worked. Now it was time for the hot glue gun, I grabbed my two popsical sticks, two rubber bands and my circle with the tinfoil rapped around it. First I put the triangle cardboard so my two popsicle sticks would stand up and they did! First thing success, now I need to get another popsicle sticks and rap the rubber band around it. I glued the popsicle stick to the two popsicle sticks. After that I put the tinfoil on the popsicle stick so it would work, now I just had to put the circle in. Done, oh no I forgot to test it I thought to myself but class was over. The next day I run to get my design and test it, when I try to test it wouldn’t work because I needed more rubber bands so I could push it down to the other tinfoil. I get two more rubber bands and it works I push it down and the green light lit up yay!

Post #4 Soldering 2

I go into tech class so scared for soldering because I never done it before. I wait in the line for soldering and out of no time it’s my turn, I’m so scared to start. I had no clue what I was doing so I asked my teacher and he showed me how to do it. I tried it and it actually was not so hard, you need to put the solder on a wire then put it where you need to put the things together and it works. I started getting the hang of it really fast. After I finished soldering I had to sandpaper my design. I WAS FINISHED!

Post #3- Soldering

    When I walk into class everyone is in a circle around a table and has safety goggles. I was so excited to see everyone with googles because I know were gonna do something exciting. After I put my googles on too, I look what everyone is looking at and I see wire that was made into a design and I look at it and my jaw drops, how does anyone do that.

   We go back to our tables and our teacher is going around the room handing out a piece of paper, when I got the paper I was so confused, all I see is circles on a piece of paper. He tells us that we have to make designs out of five lines for homework, oh that’s not that hard I tell myself. When I get home I’m so excited to do my tech homework but when I start I’m totally stuck. I didn’t  know what to draw but I came up with ideas like, basketball, flower and other things. I finally got the handle of it, I was going so fast. When I walk into school the next day I’m so curious what were gonna do next for the unit. I walk into tech and I’m so bummed because I see on the board that we should go to the Vectornator app, we went there a few days ago and it was were we could draw in a circle thing. 

  When we open the app our teacher tells us to take out the sheet from last night and I was really confused but so happy. It turns out were gonna pick a design that we liked and draw it in Vectornator. I picked the basketball I made because it has 4 lines and I thought it would be easy, it was really helpful that before we started my tech teacher told us how to straighten our lines so it looks good. After I finished my design on vectornator I had to print it to the Library, the Library is a far walk. 

  The next day I’m so curious what were gonna do in tech class, when I walk in I see everyone in a line at my teachers desk so I go to the end of the line and I notice that everyone is getting wire probably to make their design. When I go back to my table I shaped the wire into my basketball but when I’m in the middle of my design I realize I don’t have enough wire so I had to I start again. The next time I did it I asked for extra wire so I could finish it. The second time I did it it took two classes but I finally finishes it and now it’s time for soldering!




Post #1- Breakout

           Walking into tech for the third day in a row i’m So curious what we are going to do or learn about. I walk in with my iPad in my hands seeing all the kids sitting a their seat so I go over to my seat. After talking about technology for a little my tech teacher said we are going to do something called breakout, all I was thinking is this seems fun. He split us up in teams by our table I had a really good team.  After all of that he starts to explain how to play, we have to find clues around the whole room after we find the clues we look at what the clue is so we can get the lock open, there are four locks 3 for each team and one the two teams try to race to get the code so you have a better start.

          Now it’s time for questions if someone didn’t  understand they could ask a question, I had no questions. All the questions were answered so now it’s  time to start, we have 30 minutes on the clock. “READY SET GO” were off the teams looking all around the room trying to look for the clues. 15 minutes have passed, 20 minutes have past and no one has found any clues, finally someone finds a clue but wait their on the other team. My team is getting a little frustrated but we are not giving up. There is just one place we haven’t look so I go over to the tables and I noticed that on only one table there is a sheet of paper but not on the others that has to be a clue so I take it. We have to gather all of the clues before we can solve them, we have 2 more left not counting the one we share with the other team.                                                                             

        Both of the teams have one clue, after the first one we started to get the hang of this. We got the second one then the third so we ask our teacher if we can have a hint because were aloud two hints he, gave us a hint to one of the papers but we still couldn’t figure it out. When I look at the other clues I realize on one of the clues there are ghost on everyone one of the sheet so I look and there is 3 numbers. I go over to the lock were everyone is at which is the one we share with other team, no one is getting it so I probably won’t get it but I try anyways. I am so nervous because time is running out so I put the code fast and pull the top of it, and there it is I unlocked the code I was beaming with excitement. I open it up and see a flashlight and I know what that is for but my teammates already got it and there is another one completed. With only five minutes left, we have to get the other code but in a second the buzzer beeped and time was out, it turned out we tied with the other team. Overall it was a great and fun experience and I hope we do something again like this.    


Immigration Interview #4- Immigration Spark Video Organizer


We went computer a couple days after we went to computer lab for the practice one on rube goldberg video this time we were working on our “Immigration spark organizer.” Basically a “immigration Spark Organizer” is to help us prepare for your real video I did min on a google doc I didn’t do one for the rube goldberg because it was practice but im using it for my immigration video cause it is my real one. I am doing the organizer first so when I do the real spark video I can go right through it and not get stuck some people though do it at the same time so would do the slide first and then do the organizer.


Personally I don’t like the way you do it at the same time because it takes longer and you might get stuck which would lose time. The organizer has 4 columns the first one is your slide number, your second is Script/ Narration, your third is Slide Text and the last one is Slide Image. This is really helpful so you are planed.