Today in technology my teacher assigned us to write a blog discussing the properties of the material that you observed in the video we choose. I watched the Thin glass video, there is so many interesting things in the video which made it interesting. There was three types of properties, and that was mold ability, resilience, and malleability. Mold ability is a shape that can be change and deformed. Resilience is when you change the shape it goes back to its original shape. The last thing, malleability which is a shape that can be change by heat. Overall thin glass is confusing but a very cool thing to learn.
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Blog post #6
This week for our blog post we need to write about anything involving technology. I started to work on my design in class on Monday. We got wood, a board where we cut our wood, and our cutting material. I looked at my design on tinker and a measured with a ruler how many inches needed. I’m using a butt joint and its the weakest joint so I used 2 pieces of wood for each side. I cut all my wood but now I need to glue them together. This was my favorite thing we have done fun technology, and i’m so excited for me to finish it.
Blog post #5
For this week in technology class, my teacher told our class that for our blog post we can write about anything involving technology. I am going to write about the bird house I’m making in tinkercad. In the beginning of this unit, I thought I was gonna make a box but it was harder than I expected, so I decided that I wanted to make a bird house because it would push me and i would also know how to do it. I’m really close to finishing my design, I just need to add the lid to it. I love this project and I hope my design turns out really well!
Blog #4
This week in technology class, for our 4th blog post we get to write about anything we want. I’m gonna be writing about the project we are working in class. For yesterday’s assignment we had to show a drawing of our shape and the details, for my shape I’m using a box. Not just any normal box, we had to make a 3D box, for the 3D box I didn’t know how to draw it so I searched how to on YouTube. For my project I will be using 3 balsa woods, and I’m using a butt joint. The width of my project is 4 inches and the height is 12 inches.
Blog #3
In technology class this week, we have to start planning what project we will make using our balsa wood. We are designing our own and constructing it. I think that I am going to do a box. The reason I think it would be good to do a box is that it it’s easier than other options but it still will challenge me.
Blog #2
Today in technology class we have to make a blog post about anything we want, but it has to involve with technology. The topic I chose which involves with technology, is the wood cutting. In class last week we got a wood board and had a small saw to cut the wood. It was really fun to cut the wood, and I found it really interesting. It was really challenging to cut the wood, and it was hard to get the saw all the way thru the wood so it would cut it. It made your arms tired, but it was worth it. It was so fun to cut the wood with the saw and I hope we do something like it again.
Blog Post #1 Timber Harvest
Today for class work, in my technology class we were told to watch a video on how they harvested wood in the early 1900s. A part that I found interesting was that the amount of circles on the inner part of the wood is the amount of years the tree has been able to breath. Another thing that caught my eye is how the job is very different now. The materials they use now are safe and used with electric power, though back then they didn’t have such safe machines. The tools that they have were hand saws, and hammers, these tools are very dangerous. Overall the process cutting is very big over the years and we are very lucky to have safe machines.
Learn to Code commands. Computer tech #4
This week in computer tech we had to start a project with a app called playgrounds,. The thing that helped me with the command section was, I would stand up and move the way the character had to go. This helped a lot and made it go ten times faster. This is a screenshot of one of the ones I did:
Overall this was a really fun thing to do, I’m really excited to do more of this.
Computer Tech #3.
In computer tech we were assigned to make our own band. I made a singer with a microphone, a drummer, and another drummer. I also had put a motion block so my singer could move while singing, I did this so it could be more realistic. For the drummers I didn’t have them move because drummers don’t move they just play the drum. Overall I thought this project was a great one to start off with, I hope to do more projects like these.
Computer Tech #2
Today we were assigned to watch a video. I really enjoyed this video because it shows that anyone including me who has no experience in coding can easily do it. This made me more confident, and working extra hard because I now know I can do it. Overall this video taught me a lot and gave me a lot more confidence.