Sweden to offer one lucky person lifetime Employment for doing nothing!
Article date:April 1,2019
News type:world
Have you always dreamed of going to work and getting paid? You’re in luck! in 2025 the Korsvägen train station in Göteborg, Sweden will offer a unique career opportunity to one lucky person, who will have a job for life with no defined responsibilities! This position comes with a monthly salary of $2,320! I mean there’s probably nobody in the world who doesn’t wan’t this opportunity! the people behind this social experiment Simon Goldin and Jakob Senneby, who are famous for incorporating real world economics into strange new art forms. the two proposed this idea in response to a design competition organized by the Public Art Agency Sweden and the Swedish Transport Administration for the Korsvägen train station. Instead of presenting a artistic design, Goldin and Sennaby suggested using the prize money which was $753,000 to hire a lifetime employee to do nothing! Oddly enough the idea worked and the judges liked it! who revealed their choice in October 2018 and the eternal employment was born! But not surprisingly, the Eternal Employment Project has been met with politicians, as well as the general public, who believe paying someone to do nothing is a total waste of taxpayer money. Though the job sounds like a waste of life the artists believe the employee will be doing abstract work. The best part by far is the equal opportunity job, which means people from all over the world can apply to be considered for this unique position ,be sure to mark your calendars for 2025!
personal response: I choose this article because I t would be amazing for getting paid to do nothing I also think that thuis idea was really smart and all countries should do this!