South African Baboons Seek Out Private Pools To Beat The Heat
Title:South African Baboons Seek Out Private Pools To Beat The Heat
Article date: May 20,2019
By: Meera Dolasia
News type: World
In South Africa baboons have discovered a way to cool off. Instead of cooling off in a lake or stream they’ve decided to refresh themselves in a pool owned by a family or a resort. Cameras were set up by people who thought their neighbors were sneaking into their pools. When they found out it was baboons they posted the videos of the playful baboons on the internet. The first video was released on May 14, 2019 by Garth Bradly. “They played in the pool for about five minutes, and it was wonderful to witness” Garth says. The second Video was released May 16, 2019 from a family. The thought it was their neighbors but it turned out to be baboons.” Given that baboons are very social primates, don’t be surprised if backyard pools across South Africa start to see a large influx of the uninvited guests!” they said.
Personal Response:
I choose this article because I thought it was funny that baboons were playing in peoples pools!