After listening to What Makes Us Different By Joshua Bingwa I discovered some interesting things about humans. As humans we may believe that we are superior to any other living creature but in reality that may not be true. Take Joshua’s example for instance ” we humans have this weird mentality in our brains that we are superior to any other creature we think that we are like the gods of this world but the reality is there are only very few things that separate us and those monkeys that are swinging in the bushes.” I think this is a very good point we may be able to do things that animals can’t do but that certainly doesn’t mean we are better than them. This speech has taught me a lot about facts that humans sometimes miss.
Sometimes our brains play tricks on us. When our brain receives different messages, simple activities can become more challenging. This is how our mind can get fooled by completing an easy task. On the website OLogy I found a really interesting article about your mind playing tricks on you. It’s called Trip Up Your Brain. It’s a really fun and engaging activity to challenge your brain by seeing how fast you can name colors. First the word is written in the same color that the word is saying. In the second level the word is written in a different color then the word is saying. This element will trick your mind. The explanation for this is that a part of your brain called VPS recognizes the color of the word, while the OT understands the meaning of the word when the color of the word is different. When this happens it causes a conflict which is called the “dribble mouth” effect.
The experiment that I did with this activity was can a child’s brain identify the colors faster than a grownups brain or vice versa. In my experiment a child and a grownup both took the test two times. In both tests the child took less time to read the colors and words that were the same and the colors and words that were different than the grownup. At first I was confused, why is the child taking less time than the grownup? After I thought about it some more I realized that maybe the grownups brains were used to saying the word as it’s written and not the color of the written word because they have been reading longer than the child.
If you want to try this experiment yourself click here