Today on swift playgrounds I started writing swift code directly with the assignment- answers. In this assignment I was supposed to code a conversation with questions and answers between two people. Although confusing at times this activity was fun and it helped me understand directly writing once better. Once I got the hang of writing the codes down and coming up with the questions and answers it became really fun. As you can see above I have annotated the screenshot of they completed code, the yellow marks are supposed to divide the codes and the red underline to show the code of the text and where it showed up so you can really understand what is going on with the picture. Overall I liked this activity and it taught me a lot about directly writing code and a fun way to do it!
December 2020 archive
Learn to code 1- Checking for switches
Completion of code
Today I tried the coding of the activity “Checking for switches”. As you can see above the goal of the activity was to get past three switches to get to the need of the island and turn the switches on in the process. The activity mainly focused on those switches so it was easier to focus on that one thing. The most difficult thing about this activity for me was all the coding and functions I had to make for the byte to complete the challenge, you had to pay really closer attention to tiny details and that was hard for me. Overall I think this was a fun and engaging way to learn how to use these switches. Although at some times it was hard I really enjoyed it.
Commands Section; Coding activity
This was the coding activity I completed for our commands section activity:
Byte moves forward two steps
Byte turns left
Byte moves forward two steps
Byte collects gem
This coding activity wasn’t very hard for me because I already knew some of the basic coding we had to complete. But it was a little hard for me to get the right amount of steps and turns correctly, so what helped me was playing it back so I knew where I was with the cod
“Everyone can code” Video
While I was watching the “everyone can code” video, I was really intrigued by what the video was saying. How found it so interesting how these coder scan basically make anything with code, I found it admirable how much they loved coding and everything about it. It was great motivation for a beginner coder. I can recall someone in the video saying “the first time I did cording and it worked, it was just magical” which I thought was a great way to describe the feeling of a finished code. I also found it amazing how these ciders saw something wrong and decided to do something about it, it’s amazing how much change you can make with coding. These people can do so much with coding and I really want to become better at coding so I can make a change like them. Overall this video was very inspiring and very motivational.
Music Video
For the Tynker project “Make a music video” I chose Lori’s project to write my paragraph about. I liked Lori’s project because It was fun and interactive, I thought the theme of it was a really good choice. I also liked the actors and the music that the actors played. I think the soundtrack was really good amid fun to listen too. Overall I really liked Lori’s project.