Week 2- Build a better beam
This week in technology for my “Build a better beam” project, I needed to build two beams. One beam I needed to build for the project is called an I-beam
This is what an I-beam traditionally looks like
This is the I-beam I made using tape, glue, and cardboard
I also made a beam of my own design which looked like this
For this I also used the materials tape, glue, and cardboard
After building these beams, I had to test them. I tested them by balancing the edges of a beam on two chairs and putting a bag in the middle of the beam
which looks like the photo above. Then I would put various objects like books, tape rolls, and pencil cases into the bag and see how many items I could fit into the bag until the beam that was being tested could no longer support it. I tested both beams one time and eventually came to the conclusion that although only by a little, the I-beam was in fact stronger then the beam of my design because it held more items. I think this was the outcome because the I-beam was slightly more secure then my beam and was more sturdy and straight. I really enjoyed making these beams and testing them because it was fun to experiment with the beams, I had a lot of fun making and testing them and I learned a lot about the strength and flexibility of I-beams, and even how I could successfully make my own. This was a really fun project!