Mechanical Light Switch Assignment
This week in technology we made our own Mechanical light switches out of pre-cut wood. The wood was cut into shapes, some of the pieces included were, gears, pins, plates, sliders, and pinions. On schoology, there were a series of videos where instructions were given on how to assemble the switch, chamfer the plate on your wall to connect the switch to it, and wax the gears (we did this by drawing on the edges of the gears with crayons). The rest of the materials needed to assemble the switch were wood glue (to stick the pieces together) , crayons (to wax the gears edges) , a screw driver (to connect it to your wall) , and a mallet (to hammer the pieces into each other.)
This is how mine came out.
As you can see their are pieces of wood, gears, and joining pieces to make the switch. These were all attached with glue and the mallet, so they can be a little stiff and hard to turn it. So for this reason, I think if I were to make this again I would work on that because the whole point is that it needs to move effortlessly to turn off my light switch just by rotating a handle on the top that is attached to gears. But overall, its pretty good, I think for the most part it accomplishes the goal I was planning to achieve, and it was really fun to make. I’m very happy with this project and I’m proud of it, although there are definitely things I can improve on it, like I said I’m very happy with it!