#1 Capstone Blog Post

Capstone is a research-based project, where you think of a topic, then think of a question and then think of smaller sub-questions than you do a presentation.

I have had a lot of trouble picking a subject, I went from Navy ships to Navy planes to Navy seals and then to medieval weapons on offense and defense. I’m happy about medieval weapons because it’s something I have liked to do for a long time. I think the weapons are really cool too. It seems that researching is really fun. Or at least to me I think this is going to be the best project in elementary school.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Day, is this Monday, January 20 (2020) he did a lot of important things like, convince most people that segregation is bad, making segregation abolished, and marching, never stopping just because he was getting threatening phone calls, his house getting bomb, his brothers house being bombed and being told he would get arrested. These things were very brave. Imagen getting your house bombed or being threatened on phone calls! I think that if he hadn’t been alive during the time of segregation, there might still be segregation, OK maybe someone else would make segregation abolished, but there would’ve been segregation for a lot longer. I think he made the biggest impact on anything in the history of this country.

Final Reflection

Team collaboration

I think that over the hole rocketry unit our team was one of the best at team collaboration. Most of the time we stayed on task there was only a few times that we got of task, but over all we did a pretty good job on it, with a few areas to improve.

Rocket launches

Our teams rocket launches were really good we were fair about jobs, also when we were making the jobs for the second and third launches we based it on hew got to pick first and last. So since I got picked first (because I got picked out of that hat first) I got to pick my job first, but the second time it was the opposite.


Inspiration board

The first step to making the Inspiration board was to make it on a google drawing then converting it onto a big piece of paper. So after we were done making it on the google drawing we then printed it, cut it out and then glue it onto the big piece of paper that Mrs. Edwards gave to us.


Slide show

When we were making our slide show it took us the most time out of everything that we did in the unit, but it was still fun. We had 18 slides in total. Going in the order of; title page, inspiration board, first rocket design, 1st attempt at our 1st rocket, launching our first rocket, 2nd attempt at our first rocket, graph results for our first rocket, rocket design #2, building our second rocket, launching our second rocket, graph results for our second rocket, 3rd Rocket Design, 3d rocket launch, graph results for rocket 3, team collaboration, average amount of feet for each group, engineering design process, end slide.


Over all

In conclusion this unit was the best unit in all the grades. I think we got to do so many things that were so fun, like the building part, the slide show part, the blogs, and the launches. I wish that I could do this hole unit again!


launching and graphing rocket 1


When we launched the rocket we had jobs my job was to retrieve the rocket so after the rocket landed I went and picked it up where it landed. I think after I did it I realized it was a little easier, but it was still fun being the first one to pick it up after it landed!



After we were done launching it we graphed it to see how high it went in feet because we already knew how high it went in clinometer. When we converted it it went 156 feet which was the second highest in the class! I think that we did a good job on our rocket because it went second highest. 

Were we happy?

We were really happy because our rocket went the second highest in the class. We think that if the clinometer readers were a little better, but over all we think we did a good job with the launch.


Technology is…

What makes something technology? I think technology is a human made thing that improves or solves a problem. My object is technology because it is a human made thing that improves and solves a problem and the problem was that knives where to dangerous and I wouldn’t want a kindergartener cutting paper with a knife and safety scissors  improves knives.


Expert book – wolves


My topic is on wolves. I chose it because wolves are my favorite animal and because I know a lot about them.


I had to write it, make chapters for it, I had to check it, then we used google slides and typed it. Finally, I put my introduction and pictures.


I enjoyed using google slides because you could put pictures instead of drawings.


It was hard when I searched for pictures because most of them were trash!


I hope you like my book!!