Capstone 3

The Capstone project was long and we did lots of research. It was interesting interviewing people and I learned a lot about my topic. As a final project I had to use Screencastify and talk about my slideshow. Well, while it was running it took lots of tries to get it right. Then we put it into a YouTube video and made all of them one big video.

This unit was not very hard. The hardest part is writing blog posts. I liked that we would not have to spend the whole day on it and that we could do other things after working. 

I liked not having school also because I could take breaks when I wanted to and I did not have to do all the work at the same time.


Here is a link to my Project

Capstone blog post 1

In class, we are doing a project called Capstone. For Capstone we find a topic that interests us then we do research on the topic. For the first week, we chose a topic and started to research our questions. My question was what will cars be powered by in the future.  My topic is cars of the future. I made up five questions then researched and answered them. This is a fun project because we get to research a topic interesting to us.

For example, my topic is “cars of the future” and I’m very interested in that topic. Now I get to do research on a topic I’m interested in learning about. To help us organize your research we have a slideshow where we wrote down our sub-questions and answers to them.