Plant Blog Post #1

Today is day 5 of planting our plants.  We have styrofoam quads,we put soil in the cells half way we put three fertilizer pellets, then we put more soil then made holes with our fingers and put seeds. Also we put wicks so they could reach the felt. The felt was in the water so it goes up the felt into the wick.  There was also the lamp light acting like the sun. Our scientific question is What is the effect of altering water to plant growth? My hypothesis is if we add too much water then it will most likely drown and die because the plant will not be able to breathe.

The first day we saw nothing not a speck of green the next day we saw a little bit of plants they were tiny like a weed. Day four we saw them they were pretty big it was so cool to see how it grows. Day six they were getting bigger they were giant by day seven. On day seven there were no flowers yet, but on our controlled for cell one we had a height of 11 and a half cm. For cell two we had 10 and a half cm. For cell 3 we had 9cm. For cell four we had 10 cm. For our manipulated we had a height of 6 cm. For cell 2 we got 8 cm. For cell 3 we got 9 cm. For cell four we got 7 and a half.

For our manipulative we put too much water, we flooded it. This was how we changed one variable. It was fun to see it. It looked like it was dying but I couldn’t tell if it was. The leaves were falling over a little so we had to put little wood steaks in it and little plastic clips and that worked well. So that’s what happened so far.


Maglev Train #2

Maglev Train day #2

Today is day 2 of Maglev trains. It was so fun. We made the train float really high it was really cool. It wasn’t balanced so we tried upside down and it worked!! We were so surprised that it worked better.

The disk magnets were not strong enough. So we tried to double them but that didn’t work. So then we realized they were not lined up so it kept going to the sides and it didn’t work. So we changed to strip magnets. We put them on either side of the track and train we learned that the magnets have to be lined up to attract or repel and they have to be north to north to repel or south to south.

Our goal for the next lesson is to hold more pebbles in the cup on the train and get as many as we can to get efficiently and safely across the track. The pebbles represent the passengers on the train.

Maglev Train #1

A maglev train is a train that levitates with magnets 10 millimeters high. It uses magnets with to different poles and repels.
We used  12 disk magnets on either side. For the train we did 5 magnets on 4 sides then one in the middle.  


To make it levitate we put tow strip magnets and it worked! they were on either side of the track and disk magnets for the train.  

Before that we put disk magnets and it didn’t work because we didn’t have south to south or north to north. So they retracted instead of repelling so it stuck to the track.

Working together was fun I figured if one takes control you don’t do well and it was challenging but we eventually got it we were so fun.

My Expert Book – Foot Ball Club Barcelona

We had a project to pick a topic and write and then type it. My topic was Barcelona because I like their team so much. I play soccer and I really like the team. I really like to watch their games on TV and I want to go to Barcelona in Spain to see them play live one day. My favorite player is Lionel Messi. He is a Right Winger. I hope you enjoy my non fiction book.

Reflection on Persuasive Experience

I learned that writing a persuasive essay takes a longer time than I thought it did. It was difficult but it was fun. At first I did not like  it. But then it got more fun. The technique I used was problem solution I picked a problem and then found a solution. The problem as you know was too many bikers at the skate park. The solution was to just have a big open area with no fences and ramps with a line on the floor for the bikers and other people to know where it started and ended. After watching my video, it felt kind of weird. There are some things I think I could have done better like looking at the camera more.I also could have stopped to pause at the periods and could have given more details and examples. I think I persuaded my audience and I hope that somebody will use my idea so bikers and skaters can have fun and not get hurt. They can also learn fun new tricks.

Skate Park

I pushed open the door and said, “Can we go to the skate park?“

“Sure,” my mom said.

“Do you want to invite someone?” my mom asked.

“Yay,” my brother said.

“OK I’ll invite them a couple minutes later.”

“They said yes.”

So we got in the car with our scooters and skateboards. And the next thing I knew we were at our friend’s house. They were waiting for us with their scooters and skateboards. They put their stuff in the car and got in. And their mom got in the front seat. My friend and I went to the way back of the car. The whole ride my handle bars from my scooter was hitting me in the head. It hurt a lot. By the time we got there my head really hurt. Anyway we got all of our scooters and skateboards from the trunk. We went inside. We started on our scooters. I went down a couple of ramps. Then we made a skate board stack. I took mine from the bottom. I can’t do ramps on my skateboard. So I just skated around a little bit.

I saw this other kid.He was really good he was doing tailwhips and barspins. I watched him for a while after that I had to go, so we all got all our stuff and went home. First we dropped them off.

“That was fun!” I said.

“Ya!” said my bother.