Capstone Blog Post #2

In Capstone, you have to do an interview on someone for your project. For me, finding someone was hard because my family didn’t know anyone that is expert on Climate change. In class, my teacher said if you don’t have any relatives or someone you know for your topic, then you should ask the teachers at the high school and college. When I heard her saying it, I immediately searched for an environmental science teacher at the Scarsdale high school. There were about fifteen teachers so it was very hard to find. But in the end, I found one environmental teacher so I emailed him. I was really relieved. But I was wrong. He didn’t email me back and I had to find another teacher! I really panicked because he was the only environmental science teacher. So, I just picked a teacher randomly and then she emailed back to me a few hours after I emailed her. I was really really happy! I thought I was really lucky. 


My interviewee’s name was Ms. DeLuca. She works at the Scarsdale high school. When I emailed her, she said she was really busy with her students, so I emailed her the questions and she sent them back to me.


The questions were….


  1. What is Climate change?
  2. What are some negative effects on climate change?
  3. What are some ways people are working to solve Climate change?
  4. Which part of the world is most affected by Climate change?
  5. What are some ideas to solve climate change in the future?
  6. What is causing Climate change?
  7. When did Climate change become a social issue?


I had my friend’s help (Charlotte, it’s you!) to come up with the questions. Most of them are my Sub-Questions. The most important thing I learned from Ms. DeLuca was the question #4 because I had problems answering it and she helped me answer the question. Overall, the hardest thing was finding the interviewee because it took the longest time. In the end, I am really happy with my interview!


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