Technology: Post #6 Cranks and Atoms

This week, I learned mostly about ATOMS.
“ But what is atoms?” You might be wondering, while reading my blog. Well, to put it simple, atoms are what is made up of three particles which are protons, neutrons, and electrons.
To say it more in a shorter way, atoms are sources of nuclear energy! EVERYTHING on earth is made up of atoms from the air we breathe in, to the corona virus that we avoid. Did you know that? I bet you didn’t.
What really fascinated me was that we will NEVER be able to see atoms with only our eyes because light waves are too big to bounce off atoms. Mr. Calvert told me in class today that even if we invent the best microscope that humans can produce, we won’t be able to see it because atoms are soooo small!
In addition, another fact I learned in class today was that the first person to consider the existence of atoms was born in Thrace (Modern day Turkey) 2,300 years ago. That person’s name was Democritus. He believed that “ the nature of things was made of small, invisible particles of varying sizes called Átomos.” However, we now know that he was wrong! (This is a bit sad for him…..😭) He was onto something, but we now know that there are SMALLER things than atoms which are THE PARTICLES that make atoms!

Overall, this week’s lessons on atoms and our universe was really really thrilling! Mr. Calvert told us that we are going to talk about atoms tomorrow (Thursday) too, so I am looking forward to it! 🤩

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