Technology Blog post #4

This week in class, we learned about levers. Mainly, we learned about the three classes of levers. ( the first, the second, and the third)Because I am already learning about Simple Machines in Science, I was able to fully understand all of Mr. Calvert’s lessons. Yet, there were myriad facts that I didn’t know before this week’s classes. For instance, I was never able to determine which simple machines are a lever and a pulley. But since Mr. Calvert taught me in class how to do so, I am now mastered at it! I also didn’t know a lot about catapults and how they are used in our society today… ( But now I do😆)
I am looking forward to posting my finished project in Flipgrid later in Technology class! This week’s project was very exciting and exhilarating, so I can’t wait for the next project!