Launching Rocket#2

I think the launching the second rocket went  better and higher than the first launching. This time, my job was air pumper and bottom presser for fun. Being a clinometer reader was very fun too. I think the second launch compared to the first launch was very different. I think this because our rocket went higher than our first launch. 

The average of our second rocket launch was 34.5 m. The average went higher because our first average was 29. When my group realized that our second rocket went higher than the first rocket, we were so happy and excited.

 I think my group will be changing our nose cone for the third rocket because we used our same shape for the last for two rockets and nose cone is the only part of the rocket that we haven’t changed.

Designing and Building Rocket #2

For the second rocket, my group first struggled on deciding which feature to change. But at last, we decided on one part, and it’s fins. 

We chose to change the fins because for the first launching, a group called Flying Saucers’s rocket went the highest and our group realized that their fins are so different than our rocket and we thought if we change our fins, our rocket will go higher. But we couldn’t agree on one still! So what we did was we mixed up our fins that we want for our rocket. Other groups didn’t have the fins we were going to use so we were happy about it. We also did use less tape than we did last time because we realized that the groups that went higher than our group last time didn’t use too much tape like we did. So this time, we used a little bit of tape. We didn’t change our body or our nose cone because we were only supposed to change one feature of our rocket. I think building our second rocket, we did great on changing the type of the fins. I think changing only one feature on one rocket and deciding which part was the most challenging part about building the second rocket.

Launching Rocket #1

Launching the rocket was very exciting and fun.The most exciting part was when I got to measure other group’s rocket with clinometer. I got bigger number that I thought it would so it was fun. I also took a video with an ipad for a group. 

When my group launched our rocket, it went so high and when it came down, it went from the nose cone so it was so funny and a lot of people laughed. Also putting air for the air pumper, it was harder than I thought. I am so excited to build another rocket and launch it again. I hope next time, my group’s rocket will go higher than the first launching. 

Designing and Building Rocket # 1

My group’s name is the Shooting Stars. First, we made an inspiration board to help us see what we need to do to make a rocket. Then, we started to make rockets. First, we made Fin template. It was hard because we couldn’t agree on one design right away. Next we had to agree on how many fins we should use.

Then, we made the body out of construction paper. We chose this paper for our rocket because it was the lightest paper and we thought if we use heavy paper, the rocket won’t go up as much. After, we made our body. We taped it with a lot of tapes. Our name was the Shooting Stars so we taped it with red and yellow. At last, we glued and taped all the parts together. It was very fun to build the rocket.