Constitution Project Plans

I am studying events and I am going to design something. I chose to study Shays’s Rebellion because it sounded very interesting to me. I am going to design Conkey’s Tavern because that is where Shays’s Rebellion started.

Conkey’s Tavern is where Shays told all the farmers that their debt is too much to pay, and since they can’t pay their debt, they went to jail and they lost their farms. He convinced all the farmers to make a rebellion because he thought something had to change with how they were being treated.

So far it is going really well. There is nothing that I am having a hard time on so far. I am doing well on my research and I think I am in a good place with my research. I made a sketch for what I will be designing. I made a list of tools and supplies that will help me make the model of Conkey’s Tavern.

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