Passion Project #7

Yesterday, I have finished baking the blueberry lemon cream tarts. It wasn’t that hard once I started baking, but there was one challenge, which is getting the crust of the tart to have a really nice, hard shape. The crust was mostly made out of graham cracker crumbs, so it was hard to get a really good shape. If you put in a little, the crust will break instantly after you take it out of the tart pan, and if you put too much, the crust will be way too thick.

But, after I finished, it looked exactly like the picture on the website where I got the recipe. If you want to see the picture, click this link, Besides the look, it tasted really good. The taste was not what I expected at all, and I think I really impressed myself.

What I will be working on is the final video. I am so proud of what I baked, and this is a huge accomplishment in my baking!


Passion Project #6

So far, I think I’m in a pretty good place. I have been working on editing my final video, which is on WeVideo, and I just have to bake one more thing, which is the blueberry lemon cream tarts. I think the blueberry lemon cream tarts will be easier than I thought because I have grown so much as a baker and learned so many skills, and I think I won’t mess up on them.

Editing the video is a little hard and frustrating. Sometimes, I need to cut the video at a certain spot, and I always miss that certain spot, and I keep trying and trying, but I can’t get that spot. What I’m really worried about is the whole video getting deleted. But, that probably won’t happen.

I will definitely be baking the blueberry lemon cream tarts tomorrow. I have all the ingredients for the blueberry lemon cream tarts, except fresh blueberries. I am so excited to bake these and I really hope it goes well!

Passion Project #5

So far, I have written down some baking tips in my notebook, to help me bake blueberry lemon cream tarts. I got some tips from the website The tips that I wrote down are:

Tip #1: Always have the correct butter consistency

Tip #2: Room temperature is KEY

Tip #3: Read the recipe before beginning

Tip #4: Always have ingredients prepped

Tip #5: Learn how to measure

Tip #6: Weigh your ingredients

Tip #7: Get an oven thermometer

Tip #8: Keep your oven door closed

Here are some tips I made up from my experience:

Tip #1: Shake measuring tool – you’ll know if there’s space in the bottom of the measuring tool

Tip #2: Pound pan (muffin pan, cookie pan, etc) to get air bubbles out of the dough

Tip #3: DO NOT OPEN THE OVEN WHILE BAKING – whatever you’re baking will take longer to bake

I am so happy I found baking tips that will hopefully help me bake blueberry lemon cream tarts.



Passion Project #4

Yesterday I baked coconut macaroons. I was very nervous at the start, like always, but it turned out pretty good. I asked my family how it tasted and they said it was, “baked to perfection”.

I think the easiest part of baking coconut macaroons is measuring, because since I baked the blueberry muffins, I got really comfortable measuring all the ingredients. The hardest part of baking coconut macaroons is either mixing all of the ingredients together, or putting the dough onto the pan.

I thought it was hard to mix all of the ingredients, because the dough started to get really heavy because of the condensed milk and the coconut flakes. I thought putting the dough onto the pan was hard too, because I couldn’t just scoop the dough and dump it onto the pan, because that will give the dough an ugly shape, so I really had to press the dough onto the side of the bowl to get a nice shape. The coconut macaroons were so fun to make, and it helped me develop more as a baker.

Passion Project #3

The next dessert I will be focusing on is the coconut macaroon. For the coconut macaroons, I have the recipe, and I will buy the ingredients. I got the recipe from My mom has made this before, so I think I won’t have any trouble with baking this dessert.

What I learned from baking the blueberry muffins is that you won’t mess anything up if you follow the directions and the measurements.

The ingredients I will need to make coconut macaroons is:

  • 2/3 cup all-purpose flour
  • 5  1/2 cups flaked coconut
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • Semi sweet chocolate (melted)

I am so excited to start baking this, and use what I have learned from baking blueberry muffins.


Passion Project #1

For my passion project, I will be learning how to bake. I wanted to learn how to bake ever since I was a toddler but never had the chance to learn how to bake. I will be baking three things, which is blueberry muffins, blueberry lemon cream tarts, and coconut macaroons. I chose baking blueberry muffins because at first, I wanted to bake a cupcake, but I decided to bake blueberry muffins because it’s very common for people to bake cupcakes. I chose to bake a blueberry lemon cream tart because it looked very challenging. I chose to bake coconut macaroons because my mom knows how to bake it and I always watched her bake them, so I got inspired by her.

So far I have found the recipes and shopped for the ingredients. I got the recipes online. The website where I got my blueberry muffin recipe is  The website where I got my blueberry lemon cream tart recipe is The website where I got my coconut macaroon recipe is The first dessert I will try to make is the blueberry muffins. The way I will show my learning is I will make a video of me making all of the desserts I’ve learned to make.

After I baked the blueberry muffins, I asked if my family wanted to try it. They said that they liked the texture of the muffin, and how moist it is. What I learned from making this is, I learned how to use an oven, use the measuring tools correctly, learning how to measure ingredients, learning how to work with dry and wet ingredients, and learning how to crack an egg. This was a really fun experience and I learned a lot from this.

Refugee – Read Aloud

In “Refugee”, the three stories alternate from one story to another. I think the author does that because the author wants to show that history repeats itself, because there are people fleeing from their countries because of violence, and they don’t feel safe.

I think the author chose to tell these three stories alternating from one time period to another because the author wants to show different types of reasons why refugees are fleeing from their countries.

Refugee – Read Aloud

In class, we read a book called “Refugee”. “Refugee” is about three characters in three different types of stories, and they have to flee from the places they live. Josef, who lives in Germany, in the 1930s, is fleeing from Germany because he is Jewish, and at that time Jews were treated unfairly because of the Nazis. Isabel, who lives in Cuba, in 1994, is fleeing from Cuba because people are rioting on the streets because they think the president should leave his job as a president. Isabel’s father is one of the rioters and he got in trouble with the police, and if they don’t leave Cuba Isabel’s father will go to jail. Mahmoud, who lives in Syria, in 2015, is fleeing Syria because of a war.

Their problems are similar because they are all fleeing because they are not safe. Their problems are different because Josef is fleeing because of his religion, Isabel is fleeing because her father got in trouble with the police, and Mahmoud is fleeing because of a war.

Podcast – Heathcote Makerspace


In class, we worked on something called podcasts. A podcast is a digital audio file made available on the internet. We were allowed to choose our own partners or groups. This podcast was very fun to do, but challenging at the same time. I think the hardest parts about making this podcast were putting everything together and doing live interviews. The easiest parts about making this podcast were writing the script and recording. I hope you enjoy this podcast!