Refugee – Read Aloud

In class we are reading a book called “Refugee”, and have been talking about the theme of power. The main characters, Josef, Isabel, and Mahmoud all had the power at a point, and by power I mean who had the control.

In Josef’s journey, Hitler and the Nazis had the power. Then, Hitler’s power faded away because more people were fleeing from Germany. When Josef and his family finally came to Cuba, the government denied them and sent them back to Germany, where there was still violence. So, the passengers on the ship took over the boat, then they had the power. The captain of the ship promised the passengers that he would stop at France, not Germany. Then, Josef had a new life in France, but then Germany invaded France which made a war, and then Germany had the power.

In Isabel’s journey, Fidel Castro (the dictator of Cuba) had the power. Then he lost his power. Since he had no more power, he let everyone from Cuba free to leave Cuba. When people left Cuba, they had the power. When Isabel and her family were at sea, sharks began circling their boat, and killed Ivan, Isabel’s friend. Then the sharks had the power. When Lito, Isabel’s family member, shot the sharks and scared them off, they had the power.

In Mahmoud’s journey, the war had the power. Planes were dropping bombs on buildings and there was smoke in the air. After Mahmoud and his family escaped, they reached the border of Turkey. Then soldiers started to shoot at them, then the soldiers had the power. After they escaped, they went on a small boat to get to Europe. Then, a storm appeared and everyone was in the water. Mahmoud had to give his baby sister, Hannah to people on another boat so she wouldn’t drown, then the storm had the power. Then, they felt powerful when they crossed the borders of Turkey, Macedonia, and Serbia. When they reached the border of Hungary they felt powerful. Then, Mahmoud got kidnapped, and that person had the power. Mahmoud and his whole family has been caught and sent to prison, and Mahmoud and his family lost their power.

Throughout all the stories of each character, they all had the theme of power.



Refugee – Read Aloud

In “Refugee”, the three stories alternate from one story to another. I think the author does that because the author wants to show that history repeats itself, because there are people fleeing from their countries because of violence, and they don’t feel safe.

I think the author chose to tell these three stories alternating from one time period to another because the author wants to show different types of reasons why refugees are fleeing from their countries.

Refugee – Read Aloud

In class, we read a book called “Refugee”. “Refugee” is about three characters in three different types of stories, and they have to flee from the places they live. Josef, who lives in Germany, in the 1930s, is fleeing from Germany because he is Jewish, and at that time Jews were treated unfairly because of the Nazis. Isabel, who lives in Cuba, in 1994, is fleeing from Cuba because people are rioting on the streets because they think the president should leave his job as a president. Isabel’s father is one of the rioters and he got in trouble with the police, and if they don’t leave Cuba Isabel’s father will go to jail. Mahmoud, who lives in Syria, in 2015, is fleeing Syria because of a war.

Their problems are similar because they are all fleeing because they are not safe. Their problems are different because Josef is fleeing because of his religion, Isabel is fleeing because her father got in trouble with the police, and Mahmoud is fleeing because of a war.