Timber Harvest

For the asynchronous assignment, I watched four videos. The videos that were taken in the 1900’s and the ones taken more recently are different. I realized that there is more manual work involved in the 1900’s than now. While I was watching the video about the redwood trees, they were cutting down the trees with some sort of saw and planned out where they wanted the tree to fall. I realized how dangerous and risky that could be. First of all, the tree can possibly fall on you which is pretty dangerous. Also, I think that planning out where the tree is going to fall is pretty risky. If those people plan it out wrong, they could damage the tree and any other trees surrounding it. I was surprised to see how much logging from the 1900’s changed. The videos that I watched that were filmed more recently have barely any manual work required. Machines are the ones that cut down the trees and prepare them to be sold, not the actual people. The video that I found the most interesting was the one about the redwood. I thought the process of cutting down the trees were interesting, but also the redwood themselves. I had no idea they were that big and that they could live for so long, which is probably why redwood is very valuable to a lot of people. While I was watching that video, I wondered if anyone ever died from cutting those trees. I also wondered if anyone still cuts trees like that.