Have you ever thought about what will happen in the future? Well I am. I wonder what will happen on field day or the halloween parade? But the days I have been in school have been good. I’ve enjoyed some activities, like the identity map project. That you’ll find all about when you read. And also find the experience I went through.
The first week of school I thought was very fun. In the first week of school my table and other tables did an index card challenge. Our table had to build a tower only out of paper! We were competing against other tables. We ended in first by a couple inches. Another thing I liked was working on our identity maps. We would split the piece of paper into smaller pieces with a pencil. Then we would come up with traits that describe us. Now we would put each word in a box. After that we covered it in pencils of all sorts of colors. I also liked the project “we make a difference”. We would come up with a thing we are good at and find a quote for it. Then we would draw a self portrait. These projects were so fun and funny.
I am looking forward to a lot of things. For example, I am looking forward to the halloween fair at school. I can’t wait because we can dress up. Also we get to take part in the school fair. Another thing I am looking forward to is field day! It is when the two classes compete against each other and play games like capture the flag, water balloon toss, kickball and so many more fun activities. I am also really looking forward to the volleyball game, I think it will be a blast. Class against class I just can’t wait for the excitement of playing volleyball in school! I just can’t wait for the curling field trip. It will be so fun going on the ice and curling to this is probably going to be the second best field trip. Well the best field trip is probably going to be the ropes course we go to. I can’t wait for this field trip.
I am really looking forward to these events and I’m also happy for the things I’ve already done already. I also think 5th grade is going well and I hope it stays this way for the rest of the year. But of course there will be ups and downs, but that’s okay. But I’m really looking forward to this year, and I hope you are too.