The immigration project was done on We video. We were given an assignment to interview an immigrant about their experience about coming to America. I interviewed my grandmother, Helene. Once I interviewed her I worked on my narrative. Then you needed to work on your scripted. It took me a while. You need to get the timing right. Then I needed to go in We video and work on my mini movie. After I got the pictures and on the We video I recorded me saying my narrative. After that I added music and I was done.
When I was creating the video, I was behind a lot. So I needed to work a lot. But I left my Chromebook at school so I could not record my interview. So I did it on my dads phone. So now I could only do it at home. That is what made me behind. So I rushed to finish it. Then I did my We video. I was on the edge. Then I could not get my grandmothers pictures I needed to use other pictures to replace them. Then I had my timing all off so I re-did that. So I went to do my narrative and I could not get the perfect one. I kept messing up or stuttering on the words. So it took me a while to get the recording. I ended up settling with a good one with some mistakes. Even though I was on the edge it was a little fun. Was making a video. But there were some challenging parts, like making my video and recording it. At the end I got it done right before it was due.
I learned a lot from this project. One of them was to stay on time and not do it when it is very close to the due date. I also learned a lot about my grandmother. Like how she immigrated. Most of the stuff she told me I had never known about. I also learned that it was pretty easy to get to America. Another thing I found out about is that she had one job her hole life. Another thing that I found interesting was that she would never want to go back to Ukraine. She was afraid that she would never be aloud back to America. So I learned so much more about my grandmother as a child.
In conclusion, I need to be more aware of the time it is due. It was also a fun experience learning about my grandmothers history. I also thought that she would want to visit Ukraine. But I was wrong she would not want to go back. In the end it was fun and I am looking forward to something just like this one.