Immigration interview 2

The immigration project was done on We video. We were given an assignment to interview an immigrant about their experience about coming to America. I interviewed my grandmother, Helene. Once I interviewed her I worked on my narrative. Then you needed to work on your scripted. It took me a while. You need to get the timing right. Then I needed to go in We video and work on my mini movie. After I got the pictures and on the We video I recorded me saying my narrative. After that I added music and I was done.

When I was creating the video, I was behind a lot. So I needed to work a lot. But I left my Chromebook at school so I could not record my interview. So I did it on my dads phone. So now I could only do it at home. That is what made me behind. So I rushed to finish it. Then I did my We video. I was on the edge. Then I could not get my grandmothers pictures I needed to use other pictures to replace them. Then I had my timing all off so I re-did that. So I went to do my narrative and I could not get the perfect one. I kept messing up or stuttering on the words. So it took me a while to get the recording. I ended up settling with a good one with some mistakes. Even though I was on the edge it was a little fun. Was making a video. But there were some challenging parts, like making my video and recording it. At the end I got it done right before it was due.


I learned a lot from this project. One of them was to stay on time and not do it when it is very close to the due date. I also learned a lot about my grandmother. Like how she immigrated. Most of the stuff she told me I had never known about. I also learned that it was pretty easy to get to America. Another thing I found out about is that she had one job her hole life. Another thing that I found interesting was that she would never want to go back to Ukraine. She was afraid that she would never be aloud back to America. So I learned so much more about my grandmother as a child.


In conclusion, I need to be more aware of the time it is due. It was also a fun experience learning about my grandmothers history. I also thought that she would want to visit Ukraine. But I was wrong she would not want to go back. In the end it was fun and I am looking forward to something just like this one.

Immigration Interview

Have you ever heard about Carpathian mountain in western Ukraine? Probably not. But do you know what it was like, back then? Well to start of, Helene Benzel was born in Ukraine. You will find out why she moved and how she immigrate.

 When Helene was in Ukraine, you weren’t give the freedom to be Jewish. So many Jews went to other places. Helene’s parents wanted a better more stable envirment to live in. In America there was better everything and most important, the freedom of religion. Helene was 20 when she moved. In her opinion it was easier to be younger to immigrate, like in your 20s than in your 40s or 50s because it was easier to learn the language. It was difficult to leave Ukraine because, they left everything behind all they brought was one suitcase that had clothes and other essentials. It was not hard to leave Ukraine because they did not have family in Ukraine. When she left, Helene did not feel sad about leaving family behind because all her family were in America. They had no problems coming to america, they bought tickets and then went to america without any problems. The hardest thing about coming to america, it was not about getting. The hardest thing was to learn English. She was surprised that in america you are free and you can be anything you want to be. Because in Ukraine you could not practice your own religion. When she came to New York City she thought that it was a very big place because she was from a very small town in Ukraine. Helene also was able to practice her own religion in freedom. That people are more free in America. In a way that you can buy what every you want. When Helene first came to america the statue of liberty and the empire state building. Was a big one that stood out. It did not take Helene long to adapt to america because she learned the language quickly but for her parents it took a long time. Helene’s uncle already lived here and he helped them out. She worked at a nursing home as a nurse.  She was not legally allowed to do the job because she did not have her license yet, but they gave her the job anyway.She worked at a nursing home as a nurse. She was not legally allowed to do the job because she did not have her license yet, but they gave her the job anyway. After that she learned English and had a happy life.