Capstone Reflection Experience

My Capstone essay was about tsunamis. I did my project on a WeVideo instead of a TEDtalk. Start of my essay was very long I needed to cut it down a lot. It also took a while to get my essay done. I also spent a lot of time on research. My scripted was made out of parts from my essay. This is because the final video had to be shorter than 6 minutes so I needed to cut out a lot. My final product was good everything was timed well and I was speaking at a good level. The final product took me a while because the final product needs to be as perfect as you can make it. So I needed to spend a lot of time on it to make it the best I was able to make the final product. At the end it turned out well. So now I will tell you about my research.

Before I was going to research I thought it would be easy. It was. But not all of it. The things that went well were things like finding my articles I would use. But it was a little bit hard sometimes it would take me a while to find the right ones. Another thing that was challenging was taking the notes. This was challenging because you needed to pick out the ones you want when there are a lot of other sentences that you don’t want. I found something I have never heard about. It is called a meteotsunami. I have only heard about a tsunami never a meteotsunami. So I found it very interesting.

My essay was big. I used sub questions to sort the information. My main inquiry question was. How have tsunamis changed and what danger can they cause? The essay was enjoyable. Tsunamis are interesting because there are different types and forms of tsunamis, dangerous and not that easy to evacuate everyone. A lot of decisions go into tsunami research and safety. I also never knew that tsunamis don’t only cause damage to places, it also can result in people contracting diseases and living with trauma. I also found out that global warming is affecting tsunamis. This made me think, what can we, humans, do to prevent global warming from getting so bad that tsunamis could be unstoppable.

I choose a WeVideo instead of a TEDtalk. This is because I am not good at remembering things like a script. And so I can read of of the scripted while I am doing the recording. When I was doing the script it was a big process. This is because I needed to get all the timing right get my images and get the information from the essay. While being under 6 minutes. The most enjoyable part was getting closer to the WeVideo. The challenge was that I got my timing wrong so I needed to redo my timing. But at the end I got it done.

So I started images and did my audio. So then I did my images. I found it surprising that there really was not a lot about tsunamis. So I had to improvise by creating my own images on google drawings. So when I finished I was happy. There were a couple challenges but in the end I got through those video by doing my images first but then I realized that I should do my audio first. So I stopped my

If you want to see my original essay, click this link. My original script is here. And if you want to see all the sites I used to get all the information click this. My Capstone video you can see by clicking here. So, Capstone was a big project. I thought there were fun and hard parts. So Capstone was interesting, fun, and hard for me.

Always be Open to New Ideas

Always be Open to New Ideas


Did you know that the sport of curling helps with a lot of your strength. Curling is a fun sport that is played by all ages, you can also start at any age. My class went on a field trip as part of our gym class to the Ardsley curling club. I saw that it was a lot harder than I thought it would. I noticed how much trust you need in your teammates. I also learned that I do not need to be perfect at every thing to have fun. I did not score but I still had fun. Now I know that anything can be fun if you give it a try. I also learned that sometimes bad things can be funny. Like when my friend dropped a stone on the ice. It broke but it was pretty funny how it happened.

There are easy things about curling and hard things that are in my opinion. Sweeping is easy and fun for me. For example, it was fun and easy because I did not find it tiring or hard. I liked how I could put the broom on the floor and push it back and forth. In my opinion sweeping was the most fun part. I might think that way but you would not like sweeping. I also thought that delivering the stone was hard. For example, You needed to push on the ice around 40-50 pounds 150 feet. In my view it was not that long. I thought it was hard to get it in the target because you can only control the start of the push and you can’t control it. Only the sweepers can do that, but only a little. I thought it was a little hard to push off of this thing that helps us push off. I also found it hard to stay balanced while delivering. I found it a lot harder than it looked. I thought it was going to be super easy. I learned that I was not that good at delivering, but I also learned that you don’t need to be good at something to have fun in that position. Even though I did not score I still thought it was fun to deliver. I also found it fun to shout random words to act like I knew what I was doing, even though I had no clue what I was saying or doing.

You want and need a team to play curling. One example is when, without  a team you would be alone. So when you have an amazing shot and you celebrate, you will do it alone. Another example of this is when I would have no company and it would not feel right or be as fun. An example of it is, you would have more fun with people than without. For example, I went to Disney world. It was so much fun, the roller coasters were amazing and it was nice. But imagine going on those fun rides with a friend. Screaming, laughing, and having fun together. Another reason why you need a team is for help. In curling you need a team to win. For example, You need sweepers to help the puck go farther and straighter. Well not if one of your sweepers falls. “I’m talking to you Noah”. Anyway, One example is that if you sweep who is going to deliver. Also if you have a team you can shout random words too. I found out that people who curl say words that I don’t understand so I say it anyway to act like I know what I am doing. I also think that having a team is needed because you can talk and have more fun.

In conclusion, the trip was a lot of fun. All of it was fun. I was one of the people who did not score. So you might think that it was not as fun as the other people who scored. But you would be wrong. I did not score but it was still really fun. When I was on the bus I thought I was going to score all the points but I was wrong. But I still had fun. Now that I have gone to the Ardsley Curling Club I hope to go again, but this time with my family. So I hope you go and have a blast. 

Home of the Brave Reflection

In the story, Home of the Brave by Kathrine Applegate. Kek was sent to America and he has been getting used to the Technology and the way stuff work, from learning a new language and meeting new friends. There are some windows for me. If you don’t know what windows are there are traits that are different from yours. A window for me is that Kek’s family died and he flew to America all alone.

Kek has been a huge window for me. He has been a window for me because before kek went to America he was living in a refugee camp. I heard it can be very difficult. One reason is, school can be very difficult in a refugee camp. Kek would be lucky just to get a book. Normally they would just have chalk to draw with; they did not even get their own desk! Another reason is that he would have to wait in lines for hours just to get a piece of bread. He only had one meal a day and it was a piece of bread. This window made me realize that living in a refugee camp is a lot harder than living a normal life in America.

Feeling lonely and missing his family is really hard, I can’t even imagine not having my parents. Kek is feeling lonely because he has no family and very little friends. One example is, Kek is unsure if his mom is alive. She is currently not with him and missing. And Kek only has his extended family. Also there are not as many cattle as where he used to live. Another example is, when he finally reunites with his extended family, he realizes just how much he missed his true family. People would always say “don’t get your hopes up Kek” and nobody said that there was a chance of his mom coming back. This window makes me realize that it is really hard and sad to lose your parents. I can’t even imagine losing my parents.

In conclusion, I have learned that it is a lot harder than I expected for a refugee to go to a new country. I realized that no matter how much Kek has been through he still has a kind heart and makes up for his mistakes. Also do you relate to any of Kek’s experiences?