“None of us is as smart as all of us.” This quote was said by Ken Blanchard. is most certainly correct. When I went to the Bedford ropes course, I tried to figure out a strategy myself. I wasted 5-10 minutes. Then I went to my teammate and asked him. We wasted another 5 minutes. But when the whole group put their minds together, we finally figured it out. This course was the mighty rope swing.
Here are some of the challenges that I found were fun and frustrating: the Indiana Jones challenge. Now I know what you are thinking: Oh the Indiana Jones challenge is just a ball chasing you” Well it’s not. It had a bunch of beams and tightropes and wires and pretty much everything. I liked it because I had to strategize and use teamwork. I specifically remember someone saying “Can I cut you? I want to get it over with” and I said, “You are scared? Come on, I know you can do it.” But back on. My second favorite was the rope swing. You had 2 planks with about a 7 feet gap. You had a rope swing and had to get to the other side. This was fun because it had a lot of teamwork. One I found frustrating was the mohawk challenge. It was just a bunch of tight ropes and we had to scooch on it without touching the ground and it hurt a lot.
I learned from this fun/frustrating experience that I need others to bring me up and encourage me. For example, when I was doing the beams, I was about to fall but then one of my friends cheered me up and I completed it. I learned that a friend of mine said to me he said “Come on Josh! You can do it!” He cheered everyone up and it made a big difference. I learned that teamwork is necessary for challenges. For example, for the rope swing challenge, we needed a lot of restrategizing. These are important things I learned
I have observed that teamwork is necessary in certain situations. For example on ropes courses. I remember thinking to myself when I was on the bus to get there thinking I don’t need teamwork/. “Chuckle” Who needs teamwork? But when I got there and started doing the ropes courses I thought OK never mind I definitely need it. When have you thought you would not need something but you did?