There are many things you could do with forest land. What I would do is build a nice house, maybe a treehouse, take in the nature. However, i know that some people would not do that. Because forests provide wood, and wood is in great demand. Plus, after you have cleared the area, the possibilities are endless. that is why it is so appealing to chop down forests. But in the end, it is horrible for the environment, which is why I wouldn’t do it.
Forest Land
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Oh I agree, it would be wonderful to own a large piece of forest land and keep it natural maybe building just a little cottage or log cabin or treehouse where you could be quiet and enjoy the nature around you!
But you are right, once you clear a piece of land there are so many more things that you can do with it that you can’t do when it is covered in trees, for example even planting other kinds of beautiful gardens or food crops that require sun, which is also a wonderful way to use land.