Home Of The Brave Reflection

Today I will be talking about Kek from the story Home Of The Brave by Katherine Applegate. Windows and mirrors are similarities and differences, windows are differences and mirrors are similarities. But me and Kek have a lot of windows. So today I will be talking to you about me and Kek’s windows.

One window that me and Kek’s life have is that in Kek’s life he felt very lonely and he was missing his family since he came to the US alone. That is a big window for me because I have always lived with my family. Also, I have never even gone on a plane without my family before. But Kek, he is unsure if his mom is even alive. She is currently not with him and he is missing her. When he goes to the US and is reunited with his extended family he realizes just how much he misses his closer family.

Another window that me and kek’s life have is that in his life he had to get used to technology and the way things work in America. For example, when he tried to wash dishes he put them in the washing machine because he thought that was how you wash them. That is because he was not used to things like that in America since he never did that stuff in his old home . Also, when his friend Hannah gave him coins for the bus he didn’t know it wasn’t a lot so he said “No I can’t take that from you!” So it is hard for him to get used to all of this in the US. But for me, I have lived in America for my whole life so I always understand things. But if I don’t I would learn easily. Now that I’m realizing it must have been very hard for Kek to get used to everything. Especially with none of his family helping him.

Now that I have told you about Kek’s life and our windows do you think you can relate to Kek? Do you have any mirrors with Kek?