Rocketry #2

We have done our first launch. When doing the launch we had different jobs. I was not there but Ved was the countdown master and retriever, Amelia was the rocket placer and the button presser, and Ryan was the pumper. When doing these jobs for countdown master you have to ask the climonomiter readers if they are ready then you countdown from ten and yell release. When they retrieve it they get the rocket after it fell back to the ground.

The placer puts the rocket down on to the launch PVC pipe and prepares for countdown for our group the placer was also the launcher. The launcher waited till the countdown master said release then pushes the red button that launched the rocket. 

Unfortunately our nose cone popped off and the first launch failed and went about 4 feet but then we did a re-launch and it went an average of 146 feet. We were really proud of these results be we were but we ended up third best in the class out of 6 groups so we were proud that we got in the top three.

After we finished the launch we wrote in our science notebooks a reflection about the launch. We talked about what we thought went well and what we could have done better. We were all very happy after the launch and were excited for the next one.